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Beat the post-wedding blues with these tips

Just when you thought that you’d be the happiest woman alive, you suddenly find yourself feeling let down and moody after your wedding day!

This is a very real scenario, and many brides suffer from post-wedding blues. So, don’t feel alone if you suddenly find yourself emotional and perhaps bored, now that your wedding is over. It is only normal,as that the past few months have been all about the wedding, and you feel lost , now that the honeymoon is also over and you have nothing to plan.


Just as we’ve been with you during every stage of your wedding planning, we have the solution for this issue too. So, read on and find out how you can fill that gaping hole and rediscover your joy.

  1. Identify your newly discovered skills and find an outlet for it.

Wedding planning helps many a bride discover passions that she never knew, existed. Your wedding may have helped you recognize how super-organized you are, or brought out your creative side while searching for party favors. Was there anything interesting that you found during your wedding planning, but couldn’t try your hand at? Well, this is the time to put that idea or skill to use. Get started on a new hobby or create a project plan for what you can next organize. It could be your home, your office or even a party. Stop contemplating over what to do, and get down to doing it Now!

  1. Sort out those gifts and write your thank you notes

A good bride would have her thank you notes underway, from the day she started receiving gifts. If you have already written all of them, now is the time to send them out. If you are yet to begin the task, make that next on your agenda. Write out heartfelt thank you notes , send them out, and then get around to organizing your gifts and putting them to use.

  1. Make up for all that stress during the wedding planning stage

Many couples put their romance and date nights on hold, once they’re in the wedding planning frenzy. Now that the wedding is out of the way, and your honeymoon is over, make time to enjoy your marriage and rekindle your romance . Spend your free hours planning what to do together, watch movies, visit nearby attractions, play games or simply spend time talking. After all the wedding stress, you deserve some “We time.” Also, don’t forget to relax on your own. Catch up on that new bestselling novel, visit a spa, or watch the television series that you missed during your engagement.

4.Get in touch with your friends

You may have been too busy during the last year or so, to keep up with friends like you normally did. Use this new found time to get back in touch. Meet them over coffee, or over the weekend. Not only will it be fun to spend some girly time discussing your honeymoon , it will also help you relive the excitement of being newly married, yet again.

  1. Throw a party

If you really miss all the noise and action of wedding planning, throw a party for your best friends at your new home. It will be a chance to get back in action and put your organization skills into practice once again. Additionally, you can use the new gifts you received to host it. It will also give you something to look forward to, after the wedding, and will ease your boredom.

For more wedding related tips and advice, continue visiting us on Best for Bride.

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The 5 Do’s of wedding registry



There are definite advantages of registering for gifts . It allows your guests to buy you something that you value and appreciate and also saves you the trouble of worrying over what to do with all those wedding gifts you didn’t want.

To help you make the most of your wedding registry, here are the top 5 Do’s that will make sure you do not break any etiquette rules, while getting most or all the right things that will be useful to you.

Register at a few select stores only

Rather than registering at all the stores you can think of, stick to a few select ones. Take time to research your options and go with places that allow guests to also purchase online. This will make it convenient for them. When choosing the stores, make sure you check with them about their shipping and delivery options, exchange and return policies and also any discount or offer programs that you can make use of.

Don’t put your registry on your invitation card

Putting registry information on your wedding invite is considered a breach of etiquette . So, refrain from it. If you have a wedding website, put the information there. This will allow guests to locate it easily. Register early, before you send out your invitations, so your registry information is available to your guests when they seek it. Also pass on the information to your family and close circle of friends, so they can share it with those who ask them.

Register for a variety of gifts and with various price ranges

Remember to register for plenty of gifts, so your guests have enough to choose from based on their budget. One way to do this is to register for more gifts than there are guests . While including expensive items on your list, remember that you should provide affordable options too, so your guests do not find it difficult to find a gift. Else, they may end up buying outside the registry, and it may be something that isn’t useful or you would like displaying in your home.

Keep updating your registry

Make sure that you keep track of what is going on with your registry, from the time it is open to your guests. If a gift has been purchased, make sure that you know about it, and take it off the list. If the store doesn’t do this automatically you should continuously review your registry. Also update it with more options, so that the guests who buy late still have enough options.

Think long-term when registering for gifts

Your wedding is the occasion to receive some really valuable gifts, so plan your list sensibly. Rather than going with what you want now, think of how your life will be 5 or 10 years from now, and what gifts will last that long and serve you well. Think of the special occasions or family get-togethers you will host, and what will be useful when you do. Put these items down in your registry.

Once you are blissfully married and have received all your wedding gifts, don’t forget to thank every guest filled your house with the stuff you wanted. Personally written thank you notes will make sure your guests feel appreciated and happy in return.

For more wedding tips and advice, visit us at Best for Bride.

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Wedding Thank You Note Tips


After your wedding has come and gone, it is likely that you are ready to move on with your life and begin your new life as being part of a married couple. It is also likely that you are ready to relax after all the stress that you been through planning your wedding . Unfortunately, there is still one more task to take care of; writing thank you notes .

Of course, the last thing that you want to do after your wedding is to spend hours writing thank you cards to all the people who came to your wedding. However, it is something that necessary and will be greatly appreciated by your guests. Here are a few tips to get you through this daunting task.

Plan Ahead


It is a good idea to plan for this process well before your wedding. In fact, you should really begin planning the thank you card task when you are gathering names and addresses to send invitations to. You can make the task quite a bit easier on yourself if you save a copy of the list of names and addresses that you used to send invitations for your wedding.

When you are ready to send out invitations , you can pull your list back out and write the gift that each guest brought to the wedding or your shower. This will give you all the information that you need to get started in the right direction. So, make sure that when you are opening gifts at your shower or wedding that someone is keeping track of which gift belonged to each guest.

Get Situated


When you are ready to begin writing your thank you notes, you should make sure that you are in a comfortable location. Choose a spot in your home that is near a TV or radio so that you can enjoy yourself while you are writing out your thank you notes. It is also best to be near the kitchen and bathroom so that you will easily be able to take a break when you need one.

When it comes to writing utensils, make sure that you have plenty on hand that will be reliable when you are filling out the cards. You should avoid pens that will leave ink blobs or that are uncomfortable to write with. Remember that you will be writing quite a few notes in one sitting and you will want them to be beautiful and easy to write.


When you are writing out your thank you notes , it is always best if you and your spouse write them together. This is an easy way to make sure that they are all taken care of and that they have both of your personalities included. It can also be helpful because this means that you will each only have half the original number to write.

Best for Bride

Remember, Best for Bride has many things to offer those who are getting married. Whether you are looking for wedding dresses or thank you notes, the store has quite a large selection to choose from.