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14 ideas to incorporate stripes into your wedding

In a previous post, we discussed how patterns like the polka dot can quickly and effectively liven up any wedding scene. Whether patterns form the central wedding theme , or are used as an accent to the main colors, they are a pleasant addition. Some patterns like stripes can be used everywhere, from the wedding cake to the bridesmaids dresses and rest of the décor.

Stripes are an interesting update to any wedding color scheme. When it is done in moderation, this pattern has the ability to add sophistication and make a color combination more attractive. Depending on the colors and width of stripes that are chosen, stripes can make a scene look more serious, casual or contemporary. Small pin stripes and big bold colored stripes have a casual feel, while softly colored stripes have a stylish effect. Hence it is a pattern to consider using at your wedding.

Check out our top ten ideas here, on how you can add this interesting detail into your wedding.

Continue reading 14 ideas to incorporate stripes into your wedding

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[2024] For the Bride Who Loves Color—10 Ways to Add Interesting Pops of Colors to Your Wedding

For the Bride Who Loves Color—10 Ways to Add Interesting Pops of Colors to Your Wedding

White and weddings are synonymous—the bride in a white gown , white shoes, white cakes, white seating arrangements… This may work for many brides, but some genuinely love colour and feel stifled by the stark whiteness that dominates most weddings. Nevertheless, they do not want to play with too much colour, as it can quickly overpower the entire setting and make it just another party. Or, it may be that they do not want to disappoint their families and friends who expect them to stick to the standard white wedding style.

For those who think and dream about colours, here are some practical ideas to add vibrant pops of brilliant shades to your wedding. From bright bouquets to colourful dresses and vividly coloured wedding cakes, we have you covered in every way. So, read on and find out which of these ideas you will love to add to your wedding.

Continue reading [2024] For the Bride Who Loves Color—10 Ways to Add Interesting Pops of Colors to Your Wedding