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5 things to remember when buying your wedding rings


Your wedding ring is to be your constant companion from the day you get married, so make sure you choose it well.

Traditionally, wedding rings were simple metal bands, but now the options are more and interesting. You can make your pick from gold, silver or other precious metals, have it embedded with little stones or even personalize it with your initials. As interesting as all these options sound, remember that making a practical and sensible choice will ensure that your wedding ring serves you well for several years.

Here is a guide to the important factors that you should remember when buying your wedding ring.

Choose the right metal

Wedding bands are available in gold, silver and platinum. Yellow gold is the traditional choice, and one thing to remember if you choose gold is higher the carat, the softer it will be. If you choose gold, try to avoid 22 carat and 24 carat rings, as you will be wearing it constantly and it has to be sturdy for constant use.

Platinum is your other option. It is more expensive than gold, but it is also more durable and stronger. Weigh the price against the benefits of opting for this metal, and make your choice accordingly. If you love the color of platinum, but the price is beyond budget, choose white gold for a similar look.

Choose the right size

wedding-rings-575058_1280 Most jewelers supply wedding rings in a range of sizes. Before placing your order, check with the seller and find the right size that corresponds to your ring finger. If you have a ring that sits comfortably on your finger, choose your wedding ring in the same size as this ring.

If you can’t locate your size in the standard measurements, consider having your ring custom-made. Since you will be wearing your wedding ring for a long time, finding the right fit is absolutely essential.

Choose classic over trendy

Unlike your wedding dress , which you will only wear on your big day, your wedding ring has to stand the test of time. What is trendy today may be outdated tomorrow. So, your best option is to choose a design that has always been popular and won’t go out of fashion. Should you wish to experiment, do so only after you think clearly about whether you will be comfortable wearing the ring twenty years from now.

Choose it on time

ring-216717_1280 Once you choose a wedding ring, the jeweler will take time to make it in your size and deliver it to you. So, don’t put it off till the last minute. If both of you want matching wedding bands, go shopping together, or customize your wedding rings so they look like a pair. Allow sufficient time to place the order and receive it, so you have it in time for your wedding.

Choose to insure it

You will be spending a good amount on your wedding ring, and so it makes sense to have it insured. Do this when you purchase the rings. Although this doesn’t mean you can be careless with your ring, it will at least cover up your expenses, should you lose the ring for some reason.

To view our vast collection of wedding rings, and to make your choice from them, visit us on Best for Bride .

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Wedding Planning : The 3 things brides worry about the most and how to handle them


You’re in love and just engaged – how romantic and dreamy everything looks and feels! But, not for long. Once wedding planning enters the picture, the excitement can quickly take on a new form called Stress!

Most brides will be planning a wedding for the first time. So, it isn’t unusual to feel overwhelmed. If you are a perfectionist, who wants everything to go exactly as you dreamed it to be, be prepared to watch your stress levels soar . All this can take all the fun out of your wedding.

Here, we shall look at three factors that drown most brides in worry. Fortunately, we also know what will help you with them, so let’s find out.

1. The wedding budget

Everything related to a wedding boils down to money. Every vendor and service you require for your wedding will have to be paid. Add to it the additional cost of planning your honeymoon and getting favors for your near and dear; get ready to say goodbye to your bank balance.

The way to handle this is to plan your wedding budget sensibly and realistically. Determine the maximum you can afford to spend, and divide it amongst the different factors. Remember that you can plan a wedding for any budget, big or small. So, fix your budget first and then shop around for what fits it.

Don’t forget to factor in the extras when you book a vendor or go shopping. This would include the alteration charges when buying a wedding dress, tips and taxes for vendors and similar charges which may or may not be included with the original rates.

2. Handling help

Announce your wedding, and you will find many people rushing to your aid to plan the perfect wedding. Their advice may be well-intended, but many brides often find their own ideas slipping through when an overbearing friend or relative steps in to help.

If you are faced with this situation , just remember this. Wedding planning has a dark side to it; you cannot have everything perfect, while pleasing everyone. If someone tries to force their ideas on you, tell them that you will think over it, but don’t commit unless you are convinced.

Delegate small tasks to those who are eager to help, but not any of the bigger responsibilities that you cannot take chances with. If your parents or in-laws are paying, you have to make allowances for their suggestions. Work to find a compromise that both of you can live with.

3. Getting it all done on time


When you first make a list of things to do, you may be worried by how long it is. From shopping for your wedding dress , to buying accessories, setting up the guest list, planning the wedding theme and finding the venue, there are several more things to be handled.

Don’t worry, it’s all manageable if you plan everything systematically. Before you begin with anything, first split up the tasks and assign dates to each one of them. Divide it into those you will handle and those you can delegate. If you can afford it, book a wedding planner to do all or some of the work. Do your research before you begin anything, and you will be better equipped to handle all the details. Keep the big picture in mind. If what you worry about doesn’t matter too much, don’t lose sleep over it.

For more wedding related advice and tips, visit us at  Best for Bride.