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Elegant on a Budget: Smart Cost-Cutting Strategies for Your Dream Wedding!

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Weddings are expensive affairs, but with smart planning, you have scope to cut your wedding costs . A few small adjustments that won’t significantly affect the overall picture will help you save money. Even so, you can still have the fantastic wedding you wished for.

Let us look at some ideas that will help you make this possible.

Venue and date

Weekend weddings are the costliest. Consider getting married on a weekday, and you can cut expenses. Make it a long weekend by getting married on Friday instead of Saturday.

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Via Flickr

Summer and spring are peak wedding seasons. Get married in fall or winter , and you can book your chosen venue at an off-peak season rate, and save up to 15%. Use it to splurge on your honeymoon. An added bonus is that it is easier to book your favorite vendors and venue, as there is lesser competition for dates in winter.

Look for venues that already look good with the available details, so you won’t have to spend too much on dressing it up. This is easier if your wedding theme is rustic or casual.

Cut down guests

Excuse children and coworkers from your wedding list, and you will cut your guest list considerably. Keep the ceremony small but meaningful by having those who really matter to you in it. Similarly stick to the essential number of attendants at your wedding. This will help you cut down on bouquet and boutonniere costs, dressing up expenses, favours, accommodation and transportation.

Look for all-inclusive or discount deals


This may not allow you to have all the details you wanted in your wedding, but remember that all-inclusive packages and discount deals are way cheaper than when you make separate arrangements for everything. If you can get a discount voucher for your wedding accessories when you buy your wedding gown, it is a good deal that will allow you to save some money.

Also check out gowns in the clearance and discount section, and find one that is cheaper, yet works. Similarly, if a wedding venue comes with an on-site co-ordinator, you can have them do necessary arrangements at a reduced cost than if you hired someone just for the job.

Opt for seasonal elements

Where flower and food choices for your reception are concerned, you can snag a better bargain by going for what is in-season and available locally. There are plenty of flowers that make spectacular bouquets and centerpieces, and you needn’t always choose the exotic varieties for it to look attractive. Think out of the box, and you may be able to create a unique statement without breaking the bank. Reduce the height of centerpieces and use colorful and cost-effective flowers like carnations that aren’t expensive, but still impress.

Master the art of DIY


You shouldn’t attempt some things, like altering your wedding dress , unless you know what you are doing. But, you can do plenty otherwise, and save some money without hiring someone to do it for you. These include your makeup and hairstyle, finding party favors and writing thank-you notes. Ask your friends or family to pitch-in and help. Search for bargains and bulk deals for party favors, customize them yourself and avoid spending a fortune.

For more wedding tips and advice, visit us on Best for Bride.

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Paying for the Wedding – What to Expect

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A wedding can be very expensive and there are many different areas to consider when planning a budget . The costs can be overwhelming when it comes to one or two people paying for the majority of the wedding fees, and for that reason certain traditions have been set up in regards to who is expected to pay for certain portions of the wedding.

Below, you will more about these traditions so that you will understand what is expected of each of the members of your family and wedding party . Knowing this information may help you to select certain members of your wedding party and will help everyone who is involved with the wedding determine the costs that are related to their specific responsibility.

The Rings

This is one of the lasting memories that comes with a marriage. While it is standard for the groom to purchase both the engagement ring and the wedding ring at once, the bride is typically expected to purchase the wedding ring for her husband later.


It is also typical for the wedding party to receive small gifts when they become a member of a family member or friend’s wedding. Usually, the groom purchases gifts for the bride’s attendants and the bride purchases gifts for the groom’s. The bride and groom also normally purchase a gift for each other as well.

The Bride’s Family

Most of the expenses that are related to a wedding are paid by the bride’s family. Below is a list of some of the main items that are typically paid for by the family of the bride:

  • Invitations
  • Announcements
  • Attire for the Bride and the bride’s family
  • Flowers and decorations
  • Fee for the ceremony venue and reception
  • Food and Beverages
  • Photographer
  • Entertainment
  • Limo Rentals

The Groom’s Family


In order to make the cost of a wedding more affordable for everyone involved, the groom’s family usually takes care of quite a few important elements as well. Here are some of the items that can be expected of the family of the groom.

  • Tuxedos for the groom and his family
  • Flowers for the bridal bouquet
  • Boutonnieres for the grooms attendants and family
  • Corsages for the mothers
  • Rehearsal dinner

The Bride and Groom

There are also some items that are specifically taken care of by the bride and groom. For example, the groom usually handles all of the honeymoon arrangements . Many make the decision to make this a surprise for their bride.

The bride, on the other hand, usually pays for the accommodations for her attendants if the wedding requires hotel rooms. However, the attendants are expected to cover the costs for their travel arrangements and attire on their own.


The costs of a wedding can be very expensive, but with everyone working together, it is more manageable to arrange a suitable wedding for the happy couple. When planning a wedding, it is best to sit down with everyone involved and set up a budget before anything is chosen. This way, no one will receive any surprises when they are expected to pay for a certain portion of the wedding.

Best for Bride

Best for Bride can help keep your budget in place by offering you a wide range of wedding supplies that fit any budget. You will easily be able to find everything you need for your wedding in one of their four convenient locations.