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Wedding Thank You Note Tips


After your wedding has come and gone, it is likely that you are ready to move on with your life and begin your new life as being part of a married couple. It is also likely that you are ready to relax after all the stress that you been through planning your wedding . Unfortunately, there is still one more task to take care of; writing thank you notes .

Of course, the last thing that you want to do after your wedding is to spend hours writing thank you cards to all the people who came to your wedding. However, it is something that necessary and will be greatly appreciated by your guests. Here are a few tips to get you through this daunting task.

Plan Ahead


It is a good idea to plan for this process well before your wedding. In fact, you should really begin planning the thank you card task when you are gathering names and addresses to send invitations to. You can make the task quite a bit easier on yourself if you save a copy of the list of names and addresses that you used to send invitations for your wedding.

When you are ready to send out invitations , you can pull your list back out and write the gift that each guest brought to the wedding or your shower. This will give you all the information that you need to get started in the right direction. So, make sure that when you are opening gifts at your shower or wedding that someone is keeping track of which gift belonged to each guest.

Get Situated


When you are ready to begin writing your thank you notes, you should make sure that you are in a comfortable location. Choose a spot in your home that is near a TV or radio so that you can enjoy yourself while you are writing out your thank you notes. It is also best to be near the kitchen and bathroom so that you will easily be able to take a break when you need one.

When it comes to writing utensils, make sure that you have plenty on hand that will be reliable when you are filling out the cards. You should avoid pens that will leave ink blobs or that are uncomfortable to write with. Remember that you will be writing quite a few notes in one sitting and you will want them to be beautiful and easy to write.


When you are writing out your thank you notes , it is always best if you and your spouse write them together. This is an easy way to make sure that they are all taken care of and that they have both of your personalities included. It can also be helpful because this means that you will each only have half the original number to write.

Best for Bride

Remember, Best for Bride has many things to offer those who are getting married. Whether you are looking for wedding dresses or thank you notes, the store has quite a large selection to choose from.

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Wedding Registry Checklist


One of the most exciting times for a bride and groom is registering for gifts for their wedding. However, it can also be a stressful time because it is likely that the couple will not truly know all the items that they really are in need of to get their new life started in the right direction.

In order to keep from forgetting any of the most crucial items that you need for your home it is a good idea to make a list so that you will not forget anything when you are going through your registry planning. Below are some of the most important areas of the home and some of the items that you will need to include on your registry.



This is one of the most crucial areas that you will need to focus on when you are planning your registry . You will need to add dishes, cups and silverware to your list as well as cooking and baking supplies. Don’t forget to add small cooking appliances, like a toaster and a microwave to this section as well.


For the bedroom, you should add bedding and sheet sets. It is also a good idea to add additional blankets as well as window coverings and shades if you already have your home picked out. Lamps and rugs may also be something that you would like to add to the bedroom section.



One of the most common things to receive at a wedding shower is towels and you will need plenty of them. Here, you can choose the designs and colors that you most enjoy and that fit with the décor of your bathroom. Shower curtains and rugs are also items that you will not want to leave off your registry as well.

Living Room

While there may not be many items that you can add for a registry that will be placed in your living room, it is an area that deserves to be included on your list. Rugs, decorations and lamps are all important additions to your wedding registry and can be very helpful if your guests purchase them for you. Picture frames and albums are also something that are a good idea to add to a registry.

Extra Tips

While the majority of the items that you receive at a wedding shower will be items that can be used in the kitchen, there are many other areas that you should include on your registry. It is a good idea to include a variety of items so that your guests will have several items to choose from.


Although it is unlikely that you will receive everything on your wedding registry , planning ahead before you create one will help you to create a registry that is beneficial to your needs and the budget of your guests. With your guidance, your guests will be able to find the perfect gift that you will both love and cherish for years to come.

Best for Bride

Shopping at Best for Bride for all your wedding planning needs is a great decision. You can easily find everything that you need to make your big day special and to help make the planning process much smoother.

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Tokens of Gratitude: Unveiling the Deep Significance of Wedding Favors!

The tradition of giving favors to wedding guests goes back centuries and was to thank guests for making the occasion special. We proceed with this custom today however wedding favors differ impressively, so what were the first wedding favors which were given hundreds of years prior? This article takes a gander at the history and hugeness of wedding favors.

Continue reading Tokens of Gratitude: Unveiling the Deep Significance of Wedding Favors!

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Appropriate Gifts For A Second Wedding

When you are getting married for the second time it is essential to ensure that you don’t breach etiquette by registering for gifts. This is considered tacky because a first wedding is the time to start a gift registry. By the time you are getting married for a second time you should have all the items one would normally include in any gift registry for a wedding. If you don’t, your guests aren’t likely to care.

In 2015 and beyond the most appropriate gifts for a second wedding are often food related. For example, an edible arrangement or a meat and cheese basket is considered a standard gift to give for a second wedding. Unfortunately these rules of etiquette apply even if it is your significant other’s first wedding.

That being said your guests can buy you something as simple as a bottle of wine itself or as complex as a membership to a wine of the month club. These are appropriate gifts for a second wedding because they are not the household items it is presumed you already own.

Another popular choice in gifts for a second wedding is restaurant gift cards. Since they are so easy to obtain these days out of town guests will even be able to purchase gift cards for restaurants that are not located in their hometown. With a lack of expiration dates on gift cards you will be able to use them whenever it is convenient for you so your guests always know their gift will not be wasted.

food gift basket

The only way proper etiquette allows your guests to purchase kitchen appliances as gifts is if they purchase a specialized appliance that you and your significant other would use and enjoy, such as a pasta, bread or ice cream maker. These appliances are acceptable because they are not the standard appliances everyone has in their kitchen.

Non-traditional gifts given for a second wedding are often more personal gifts than anything you likely got at your first wedding. This is especially true if the majority of the guests at your second wedding were at your first wedding as well.

In lieu of wedding presents, many second time brides simply ask their guests to make a donation to their favorite charity. If you choose to do this it is always a good idea to contact the charity in advance and let them know what you are doing. Then include all the pertinent information in your communication with your invited guests so that they understand them donating to the charity of your choosing is their wedding gift to you.

To give it more sentimental value, choose a charity that you or your significant other has a personal connection to. For example, if either of you has ever had any type of cancer ask your guests to donate money to the American Cancer Association instead of buying you a gift.

Best For can help you plan your second wedding with ease.