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5 tips to help you relax and look comfortable in your wedding photographs

wedding-665157_1280 Have you ever felt happy looking at a wedding photo where the couple looked genuinely overjoyed, and the photographer captured it perfectly? Such photos make us wish we were able to look as great, in front of the camera.

Some brides were born to be photographed. Their wedding photos are really fun, and these couples enjoy the wedding photo shoot immensely. It’s too bad that not all of us are as photogenic.

Here are some tips to help those brides who find it difficult to relax in front of the camera, and look as perfect as they can be.

Have a pre-wedding photography session

Many brides feel uncomfortable posing in front of the camera, because they are unfamiliar with the photographer. If this could affect you, the best way to avoid it is to familiarize with the photographer’s style by having a pre-wedding photography session . Consider it as a worthwhile investment, and have an engagement shoot. This will introduce you to the way the photographer works, and it will prepare you better to pose on your wedding day.

Relax, breathe and be yourself


Don’t you hate it when you see a picture where the subject is unnecessarily grinning! Unfortunately, many people have this tendency to put on a fake Cheshire cat grin, the minute the camera is on them. It really takes away their natural charm. Since you will be in many photos during your wedding day, try to be yourself and not force a smile.

Forget about the photographer clicking, and just live the moment

The best photos are taken when you are yourself, and the best way to do that is to enjoy yourself without worrying about how you will look on camera. This article on the Boho Weddings website , tells us that it is important to hire a professional photographer, as they are trained in identifying and capturing a couple’s best moments, without being obtrusive. If you want to enjoy your photo shoot and not begin to hate the experience, do two things: find a good photographer , and just enjoy your wedding day!

Make sure your makeup and dressing is good on camera


All you have to do is to do a trial makeup and hairstyling session before the wedding, and click a few pictures to see if you like what you see. Remember that you may look different from what you anticipated. So, checking it out before hand is the best way to make sure. This is even more important if your makeup will feature glitter or spray-on tan, so you can get it right on the day, rather than be disappointed afterwards with how you look in the pictures.

Don’t be too worried about how the pictures will turn out

If you see a beautiful bride in the mirror, why worry that you will not look as good on camera? Discuss your concerns with your photographer before your wedding day , and as a professional he will be able to advise you on how you can pose to look great. Why not get his suggestions on which profile view or angle is right, as well as the extra effect s that will help you look your best. Be optimistic, and just pay attention to your photographer’s cues. Your pictures will be perfect.

Stay positive and follow our tips; and you will love your wedding photographs. For more wedding advice and all your wedding needs, visit us on Best for Bride .

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Wedding Photography : Which style is right for you?

Wedding photography is one factor which you can get right, or go terribly wrong with. The pictures taken on the day form a critical part of your wedding memories , and so it is important that they are captured in the way you wish to remember them.

Today, there are various styles of photography to choose from. You can choose to go with a particular style, or a blend of styles, depending on what appeals to you. So, let us first try to understand these styles.

Traditional/Documentary Style photography

This is the tried and tested style of wedding photography that we recognize in our mother’s or even grandmother’s wedding album. The photographer works on capturing the couple and the crowd in set poses which are known to have worked over the years. The group photos are quite similar, with the people in the photographs assigned specific poses and places. Every detail of the wedding is covered in order, from when the bride dresses for the wedding ,to the arrival of the couple at the venue, the ceremony and beyond. It is quite formal in nature, and predictable too. Most of the pictures look perfectly timed, are well-lit and done in portrait style. The photographer can be creative with the location and angles from where he shoots, but the options are limited. If you aren’t too adventurous and want a minimum guarantee on what you will receive, this is the style to opt for.


In this modern style, the photographer works in the background, does his work unobtrusively, and captures the moments as and when they occur. The pictures reveal a story, like you would see in a documentary or magazine. There is less posing, arranging, lighting or timing, and your pictures will look natural and candid. If the  photographer is talented , he will be able to capture the actual fun, excitement and emotions at the wedding by getting the best shots at the right time. There is a risk you run with this style if your photographer doesn’t have the necessary expertise. You may end up with an album full of random pictures that do not gel together.

Fine art photography

This is perhaps the most dramatic style, where the photographer experiments with styles, lighting and posing to transform your pictures into pieces of art. One thing is certain, your wedding pictures will be unique. The personal style of the photographer seeps into every picture, the beauty of the background is wrapped into the frame and artistic composition is the ultimate aim. Like in photojournalism, the pictures convey a story, but the methods, medium and effects are entirely different.

A harmonious blend of Traditional and modern

The go-to choice for most couples today, this is a blend of portrait photography with photojournalism. Here, you get the best of both worlds. The photographer not only captures all the classic portraits, but also pays attention to the details of the day in his pictures. You may however, find that your album is pretty similar to the others in his portfolio. If predictability is what you prefer, this is the choice you need.

Hopefully, you now have a clear idea of what style suits your personality. For more wedding advice and tips on planning for your big day, visit us at Best for Bride .

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Getting the Best Possible Out of Your Wedding Photos

Pictures are worth more than thousand words, therefore your wedding photos must include some perfect combinations of humorous, serious outrageous and sentimental shots, because they are the ones you will treasure for the rest of your life. Here are some tips you should consider.


For your pre-wedding meetings, make sure you set up some consultations with your chosen photographer at the venue of your wedding because it helps in all cases. Try to organize a consultation with your photographer late in the afternoon because that is the time mostly scheduled for couples’ photo-shoots . You need to make plans with your photographer, especially how the day’s events will unfold. For instance, your photographer needs to know when will the couple walk into the reception hall, and He needs to know where you want your pictures to be taken from. Adequate preparations for timing, and lightning will save you from any likely embarrassments.


You need to book your engagement shoots ahead of time. The quality of photos taken at your engagement will help you work with your photographer ahead of the proper wedding. Engagement photo-shoots can serve as wedding photo-shoot trials and the quality you get can help you determine whether you can hire him for the next phase of your wedding program .

Dani Leigh Photography

The venue of the wedding must be arranged early so that your photographer can take pictures of the wedding decor earlier in the day, and just before the arrival of your guests. It is almost impossible to get excellent decor photos when your guests are already at the venue. Make arrangements with your photographer and ensure that he arrives not later than 3 hours before the start of the wedding ceremony.


Preparing your venue for the wedding photo-shoots is important. Make sure you choose a large hall with lots of windows to provide natural lightning. Make sure you plan the overall look and feel of the wedding venue by de-cluttering and making the room as neat as possible.


Try to get your wedding ceremonies done at one venue as much as possible, this will save you the hassle of moving your guests from one place to another as such can disrupt the effectiveness of your photographer. This will also save you some money, considering the fact that you are paying your photographer on an hourly basis.

Try as much as possible to keep the total number of your family photos to between 8 and 12 in order to save time and give the lists to your photographer as well as someone in your bridal party who can gather people when they are needed to take pictures.

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Tips to look great in your wedding pictures

wedding photographer

via pixabay

Once your wedding day is over, it is the wedding photographs that will help you remember your lifetime event. These photos will be viewed again and again, not just by you, but by friends, relatives and even the next generations. You have to look great in the pictures, and making sure you do is not just the responsibility of the photographer , but yours too.

These tips will help you make sure that you photograph well on your wedding day. Check them out.

Relax and remember that you needn’t smile in all the pictures

With hundreds of clicks during the course of a single day, it is unlikely that you will be able to smile naturally through all of them. If there is one thing that spoils a picture, it is an unnatural smile. With jaws and cheeks hurting from smiling, you are bound to end up with a limp smile shortly. It is good if you realize this and do not attempt to keep at it. So, what do you do? Be happy, and let your joy radiate to your eyes. Your happiness is bound to be captured, even without the smile.

Make-up appropriately

The effect of your make-up may look very different when captured on camera. This is especially true if you use bronzer or spray tan. Make sure that you select your makeup appropriately, so you do not end up looking orange or yellow in the pictures. Check out old pictures of when you were in the same makeup and dress for your wedding accordingly.

Be yourself to look your best

Although you may be tempted to put on a Hollywood pose, or fake a smile in the hope of getting a great photograph, remember that you will only love the ones in which you look yourself. Breathe easy, relax your face and look natural ; it will turn out great.

Mind your posture

The hectic pace of everything happening around you will cause tension to build up in your shoulders and back over the course of the day. You may find yourself stooping, shrinking or slouching as exhaustion gets to you. Remember that this will be visible in the pictures too. So, focus on your posture always. Pull your stomach in, keep your shoulders taut and chest forward. Relax when you feel tired, but take a deep breath and pull yourself up when it is time to shoot.

Experiment with different locations and times of the day

Make sure you have your pictures taken at various locations, and that you have your bridal photos shot in the day and the evening. You will then have a number of pictures to choose from, and you may even be pleasantly surprised to find some of them better than you anticipated.

While you are busy capturing the biggest event in your life, don’t forget to enjoy the experience. Looking fantastic on your wedding day will help you look fabulous in your wedding photos too. We, at BestforBride can help you choose the wedding gown that will do this for you. Visit us online to see our extensive collection of wedding gowns, and also for valuable wedding advice.