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Your guide to planning a formal wedding ceremony

After a brief spell of laid-back, casual style weddings , more and more couples are once again opting for formal weddings. Also known as black-tie weddings or white-glove worthy weddings, this classic form is slowly growing in popularity, and this is why. The elegance of having a luxurious wedding with all the details right, is very tempting. When you know that traditions never go out of style , is a better reason required,to choose it as your event style?

If you want sophistication and style to set the tone at your wedding, a fantastic formal wedding may be beckoning you. Here, we look at the essentials to plan such an event , and help you determine if this is indeed, what you want.

Step everything up a notch, including the budget

The venue will have to be classic and stunning; think along the lines of a castle, historical site or country club resort. The décor will involve lavish decorations and dramatic centerpieces. The guest list is usually large (certainly more than 100), and the reception will be formal and sit-down style. The bar should feature top-class wines and classic cocktails .

Everything from the perfect invitation to a fantastic cake and even your wedding favors and vehicle to leave the venue, should look and feel formal. So, aim for this option only if your budget is on the higher side.

Attire of the couple and all the others

via Best for Bride

Formal affairs require everyone to adhere to a strict black-tie dress code. Your wedding gown, as well as those of your bridesmaids would have to look formal, and all the men should be in tuxedos.

Ball gowns have always been the traditional favorite for brides, but you can opt for other styles as long as they are full-length gowns. Your gown should ideally feature at least a cathedral train, and a veil would be appropriate.

Your bridesmaids should also be dressed in classic patterns. These weddings normally involve more bridesmaids and ushers than regular weddings do. All your wedding guests will have to appear in formal wear, and you will have to specify this in your wedding invitation .

Decor, cake and Flowers

Choose to decorate the venue elegantly, and in classic style. Employ stylish flower arrangements , candle lights and lush textiles like silk and satin to create a magnificent setting. Roses, stephanotis and orchids are flowers suitable for the ceremony.

The wedding cake is usually a classic three-tier cake, with elegant elements like ribbons, flowers, beads or textures adorning it. You can choose round or square, or for a more contemporary touch choose a hexagon cake. Do not choose a pastel palette or the whimsical topsy-turvy cake design, as it is inappropriate for this type of ceremony.

Keep up the style, but don’t tone down the fun

A vintage car like a Rolls Royce, or stylish limousines are ideal choices to carry you to and from the venue. Although a black-tie wedding may seem very prim and proper, remember that it can still be lots of fun. Get a lively band or orchestra, celebrate in full swing, have some interesting photographs taken and have a blast.

For more wedding tips, as well as to pick the perfect wedding dress for the occasion, check out the collection at Best for Bride .