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Digital Marketing Trends with AI in 2023

Glen Maguire • Apr 14, 2023

How can AI boost your digital marketing strategy?

Digital Marketing AI Strategy
Marketers are under increasing pressure to do more, quicker and with less time, budget, and resources. Thankfully, AI is already showing how it can turbocharge digital marketing to deliver more with less and at a way faster pace. 

What is AI?
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a rapidly growing field in which computers simulate human behaviour in ways that are difficult or impossible for humans to do. AI allows machines to make decisions, communicate, act independently and learn from their mistakes. 

Technology has been prevalent across various industries, such as healthcare, transportation and finance. But now, it's rapidly making its way into digital marketing. 

Digital Marketing AI
Digital marketing promotes products and services to a target audience through digital channels such as search engines, websites, social media, and mobile apps. 

How can AI help digital marketing? 

AI can help businesses produce more accurate data and insights to target their customers better, create engaging content faster, and optimise campaigns for maximum ROI. AI can also automate tedious tasks such as data analysis and customer service, allowing marketers to focus on higher-value activities such as strategising and innovating.

For example, AI can identify customers' interests, target relevant audiences, and adjust ad spending to maximise ROI.

Chatbots are AI-powered software programs that simulate human conversations. Chatbots are often used as customer service agents, virtual assistants or digital sales representatives. 

For example, a chatbot could provide shoppers with product information or help them find the correct item. 

Chatbots are becoming increasingly popular in digital for the following key reasons:
  • they are 24/7
  • they replace the cost of managing and employing humans
  • they respond quickly
  • they are affordable and relatively easy to setup
  • they can be multilingual
What is ChatGBT?
ChatGBT is a powerful AI-powered chatbot solution that can help digital marketers automate customer service inquiries, communicate with customers in real-time, and generate leads. 

ChatGBT's AI-based algorithms and Natural Language Processing (NLP) technology allow it to understand user conversations, interpret requests accurately and respond accordingly.

Artificial Intelligence and Content Creation
Artificial Intelligence can help you create high-quality content faster, better and more efficiently. AI-based software such as Grammarly can detect spelling and grammar mistakes in real-time, saving you time and effort. 

AI solutions like Frase can also generate captivating blog posts and video titles by analysing user trends and existing digital content. 

Additionally, AI-powered tools can help you optimise content for search engine optimisation (SEO) by analysing keywords and topics.

Google AI
Google has invested heavily in artificial intelligence (AI) research and development, with projects like Google Brain focusing on machine learning, natural language processing, computer vision, and speech recognition. 

Google has incorporated AI technology into many of its products, such as Google Ads, which uses AI to serve ads to target customers and adjust bids in real time.

Microsoft AI
Microsoft has also been investing heavily in artificial intelligence research and development. The company offers a wide range of AI-driven tools, such as Cortana, Skype Translator, and the Microsoft Bot Framework – all of which aim to provide more intelligent business solutions.

AI improves customer targeting
AI is used to create more personalised customer experiences, which leads to higher engagement and loyalty. Automation software can help marketers identify key customer segments and tailor campaigns to match the individual needs of each segment. 

For example, AI technology can track customers' behaviour across their channels (web, app, email) and use that data to create targeted content that resonates with them. This can lead to better engagement with customers and improved customer loyalty.

AI can also automate specific marketing processes, such as sending automated emails or scheduling social media posts. This saves time and allows marketers to focus on more creative tasks that require a human touch. 

Finally, digital marketers can use AI to help with CRM. AI-based software can process customer data quickly and accurately, providing insights that improve the customer experience. 

AI is revolutionising digital marketing and providing marketers powerful tools to create more effective campaigns. With AI-powered software, marketers can implement personalised experiences, automate routine tasks, and gain insights into customer behaviour, which will help them boost engagement and loyalty faster, with more accuracy and at a lower cost. It will be fascinating to see how AI changes the digital marketing landscape in the coming years. 

Contact one of our Digital Marketing Strategists to find out how your business can use the power of Artificial Intelligence to deliver compelling digital marketing campaigns that give your business an edge whilst providing more profit. 
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