Meeting the New Consciousness of Earth
By Ana-La-Rai
What exciting times we are now living on planet Earth!
During our April 2022 Alchemy Collective Consciousness Gathering so many changes came forth for the planet. Of course, all of these changes are a result of many years of works by many groups, many individuals, and many Light Beings. The last 9 of those years have included my work with The Alchemy Collective Consciousness and many of you to support the Great Awakening.
I am overjoyed to share the following messages and information with you from The Alchemy and Mother Gaia on our recent co-creations together!
"We are The Alchemy and we share that our primary purpose is to prepare planet Earth and Mother Gaia for the great awakening (the vibrational shift).
This purpose is only accomplished through the vibrations of Love in co-creation with humans who are willing to come together in group consciousness with us.
As humans come forth to co-create they agree to create a group heart for each meditation or Gathering. They agree to do so in full Divine Service for both a planet and a people, in accordance with the Divine Plan. They understand that without human conscious participation none of the shift would be possible. Working from expanded hearts and through vibrations of Love we, The Alchemy and human participants, assist, support and prepare Earth for the coming energetic shift.
Our secondary purpose is to support those who participate in our co-creations with high vibrational infusions of love and light, energetic gifts, information and personal Alchemy Guides." - The Alchemy Collective Consciousness
Over the years, at week long Gatherings we have worked with the new Earth, healing chambers, anchoring portals for ascension energies to flow onto the planet, witnessed the birth of 100,000 new Terra Crista Angels, created the Tapestry of Harmony for Earth, built a bridge to 5D new Earth, created vibrational shift opportunities for the collective consciousness of humanity, released a layer of petrified grief within the human collective consciousness and much more! Each Gathering seemed to take on more significance.
Read more about The Alchemy here.
All of the Gatherings, weekend events, and Tuesday Global meditations have been focused in various ways on the Great Awakening. For approximately the last 1.5 years, The Alchemy has shared that "we are now in the midst of the awakening".
Late 2021 at our Gathering on Vancouver Island, the energies of 5D new Earth were moved from the 5D into the womb of Mother Gaia, deep into the heart of planet Earth. At this time, all those in attendance were asked to keep this information confidential and not share this.
When this occurred, Mother Gaia came forth and spoke to us, sharing that her time as the "holder of the consciousness for Earth" was ending. She too would be ascending, moving on to other adventures, growth, and opportunities. Mother Gaia was very excited for this change! She then shared that a new consciousness would be taking over for new earth for the awakening.
So, Ascension is not just for humanity but for Gaia as well! Wow, I had not seen this coming!
The analogy Gaia used and continues to use in her descriptions is that of birth. Moving the 5D Earth and consciousness into her womb represented the pregnancy stage of development. When asked she shared there was no planned delivery date as so much depended on humanity and the vibrations on Earth. The most exciting part for many of us was when we had the opportunity to connect with the baby or new consciousness and experience her energy. WOW! At the end of the Gathering we all felt so very blessed to have been a part of this spectacular miracle!
During the April 2022 Gathering we had a few opportunities to connect with the baby. We got to welcome her and introduce ourselves, we got to share with her our favourite places on Earth, and we got to express some of what we wanted to see in the New Earth. Each of these experiences was deeply profound and gave her more insight into the Earth of now.
Every day at a gathering the energies build on the previous day and the vibrations rise. We did so many co-creations to support the great awakening and worked on so many different "projects" with The Alchemy and First Light. So as we gathered on our last morning, all dressed in white, I could feel something big was about to happen. As I shared with the group the plan for the morning my voice broke and I cried... could this really be happening now?
As the plan was shared with the participants there were dances of joy, tears, shocked reactions, and many other emotions released. Then the deep work began.
Supported by countless Light Beings, thousands of Angelics, all 24 of the Original Creator Beings, and unlimited Source Light,
all the gathering attendees became midwives for the sacred birth of the new consciousness of Earth.
Read more about the Original Creator Beings and the 33 Codes of Origin here.
Not long after the birth, the baby sent her first wave of love out to all of humanity.
The Guides said it was unknown how long this information would need to be confidential, possibly years. They shared that Gaia would overlight the baby as she grew and share the responsibility of holding earth for a period of time (we have no idea if this is years, weeks, decades or something else). We were asked to not disturb the baby, and told that she will share her name when she has chosen one that will resonate with most languages.
We closed the Gathering that afternoon with the most profound sense of joy, peace and hope. We each felt so deeply blessed to have been a part of the process; a process that thousands of people across the planet had contributed to throughout the years with their prayers, crystal layouts, meditations, retreats, rituals and so much more.
In the days following the Gathering, we saw and felt legions of Beings of Light from across the galaxy come forth to welcome the new consciousness.
You can imagine my surprise when just over a week later Mother Gaia informed me that she was introducing the baby to the world! So during our April Guided Full Moon Meditation, Mother Gaia shared with us all about her ascension journey, about the baby, and their overlap time together. In this meditation, everyone is invited to the nursery to meet and connect with the baby, the new consciousness for earth, and you can too!
Purchase the April Full Moon Meditation
3 days later on The Alchemy's Global meditation, the arrival of the new consciousness and many of the changes co-created during the Gathering were publicly announced.
Alchemy Global Meditation with announcement
If you had asked me 2 weeks ago, I would have said the new consciousness would not be announced for a year or more...
Words seem so small and insignificant when I say I feel blessed beyond belief to have been a small part of this, and to witness this amazing next step in planet Earth's evolution.
This is what we have been waiting for!
I can not imagine what will unfold next or how it all will look like, but I am grateful to be present and cheering the baby, Gaia, and humanity onwards.
I trust this message fills your heart with as much joy, peace, hope, excitement and awe as it has mine in these past days.
April 25, 2022
P.S. I have also added a
short video titled the Birth of the New Consciousness of Earth on my YouTube channel. Check it out!
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