Valor Gold Level


Your Benefits:

  • 30” SoR Replica
  • SoL and SoR Replica Bookends
  • Tickets for America’s Birthday Event in July, 2026
  • Tickets for the Grand Opening Event in July, 2030
  • 14 Tickets to the Gala
  • Name featured on a dedicated American Valor Silver donor wall at the site.
  • Customized social media shout-outs from the foundation.
  • Personalized acknowledgment on the foundation's website.
  • Personalized certificate of appreciation and video thank-you message created by project leaders.
  • Man's Search for Meaning hard cover book written by Dr. Victor Frankl
  • Divine Turbulence hard cover book written by Gary Lee Price
  • Liberty's Torch hard cover book written by Elizabeth Mitchell
  • Recognition on a digital donor display kiosk at the site.
  • Invitation to a volunteer appreciation event hosted by the foundation.
  • Exclusive access to semi-yearly project updates and progress reports.
bronze bookend sculptures replicating the statue of liberty and the statue of responsibility designed by Gary Lee Price
A small aluminum replica of the statue of responsibility available for purchase

The first 50 purchased will be hand painted