What is here today can be gone tomorrow. Every life is a miracle, every life deserves a second chance.

- Gail Martin -

Bear Necessities

Bear Necessities

'Bear Necessities'

Do you want to help the bears?

It costs approximately 
$85.00 a day per cub to rehabilitate. 

The Challenge

Are you a bear lover, and want to directly help these beloved animals? 

Now is your chance!! 

Critter Care Wildlife Society rescues/rehabilitates/releases almost 2,000 wild animals every year, this size of operation could not operate at this capacity without donors like you. 

As you may know, we just completed construction on our fourth bear enclosure. This project took four months to complete and cost upwards of $100,000 to construct. 

The cost to rehabilitate a Bear is approximately $85.00 a day per cub to rehabilitate. These costs pay for specialized milk formula, medication when needed, enrichment and round the clock care. 
Give to the bears

The Impact of COVID-19

With everything happening around the world regarding COVID-19, Critter Care Wildlife Society has been deemed an essential service. On top of our day-to-day running being impacted immensely, we had to cancel our Gala which will result in a loss of $90,000. Most of our interns travel from around the world to take part in our intensive internship program. Due to borders being closed, these interns are not able to come, putting a strain on the few dedicated interns who are currently here. 

We have over 30 enclosures on the property which get deep cleaned once a day. With the shortage of antibacterial cleaning supplies from our usual sources, we needed to get creative as our supply is slowly running dry. We are currently speaking with manufacturing facilities to secure product, which involves meeting minimum order quantities and paying for shipping. 

 While we continue to go on rescues and admit baby animals into Critter Care Wildlife Society, we are not receiving the cash donations we once were. I ask you to look deep within your heart and donate today so we can buy the bare necessities. 

All the bears at Critter Care Wildlife Society thank you!

Give to the bears
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