What is here today can be gone tomorrow. Every life is a miracle, every life deserves a second chance.

- Gail Martin -


Discover the World of Bears

By Sylvia Dolson, Bearologist

Polar Bear on Ice.
15 Dec, 2023
Advertisers capitalize on the lure of bears. In 1993, Coca-Cola brought polar bears into the homes of millions of people around the world in a commercial, “Northern Lights” in which polar bears drink coke and view the northern lights.
08 Dec, 2023
Can you distinguish between a black bear and a grizzly?
Bear on a driveway
27 Nov, 2023
Conservation Officers are killing our bears and orphaning cubs. The frustration is palpable, isn't it? The blame game often feels like the easy way out,
16 Nov, 2023
To hibernate or not to hibernate, that is the question. But before we dive into that, let's explore why a bear's biology is wired for hibernation.
Momma Bear and Bear Cub
By Deborah Janz 29 Sep, 2023
Hello, fellow nature enthusiasts! Today, we're taking a deep dive into the enchanting world of bears.
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