What is here today can be gone tomorrow. Every life is a miracle, every life deserves a second chance.

- Gail Martin -

Common Questions

Common Questions and Answers

  • How can I update or change my monthly gift?

    Please call 604-530-2054 and ask for Maureen.

    IF you donated via Canada Help, Click Here

  • How can I change my mailing address?

    Please email crittercare2@shaw.ca  or call 604-530-2054 with your new information.

  • What happens when I make an online donation?

    We are notified of your donation and a tax receipt will be issued and mailed to you.

  • I made a mistake on the donation form! How can I cancel the donation?

    Please call 604-530-2054 and ask for Maureen right away. If not available please leave a voice message or send an email to crittercare2@shaw.ca without delay as receipts are issued on quick order.

  • When do I get my receipt?

    Within a few days of receiving the donation.

  • Where does my donation go?

    Your donation goes to various needs such as food, medicines and day to day expenses such as gas for our vehicles, telephone and other regular business costs.

  • Can I visit Critter Care?

    No as all our animals are released back into the wild and cannot have human contact. The only time to visit is during our annual open house by a guided tour.

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