What is here today can be gone tomorrow. Every life is a miracle, every life deserves a second chance.

- Gail Martin -

Emma Reynolds

Emma Reynolds - Canada
I started interning at Critter Care Wildlife Society in February 2021 and stayed until Oct 2021. I learned so much about all different kinds of animals. Before you become an intern, you should probably know your workdays are long and hard, especially during baby season (April to July). You won’t really get a day off during those months but it's worth it because you are raising the next generation of animals.  

I learned time management while interning. You have to plan your day around your animal's feeding schedule. I was taught how to do subcutaneous injections and fluids for different species, and how to handle the animals for physical exams when they first came into our care.     

When I first got to Critter Care, I was very overwhelmed and didn’t think I could do it, but the staff that work with the interns are the kindest people you will meet. If they have time, they go out of their way to teach you about the medical side of rehabilitation.   

You meet so many different kinds of people while interning. We all had the same goal of caring for our animals, which gave us a family bond.     

When I first started at Critter Care. I was a shy 18-year-old who didn’t really know what I wanted from life. At the end of my internship, I feel as if I have grown up. I now know the steps I need to take to get where I need to be in life and that's thanks to all the interns, volunteers, staff members and animals at Critter Care. Interning there truly made my life better and I am so grateful I got the chance to do an internship.  

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