What is here today can be gone tomorrow. Every life is a miracle, every life deserves a second chance.

- Gail Martin -

Kids Critter Corner

Kid's Critter Corner

Kids of every age love critters. Here’s some stuff for the young and the young at heart!

Kids Critter Corner

Kids Critter Corner is for kids of a variety of ages to learn new and important information concerning Native American Mammals. 

"If you talk to the animals they will talk with you and you will know each other. If you do not talk with them you will not know them and what you do not know you will fear. What one fears one destroys."

~ Chief Dan George ~

12 Golden Rules for Critter and Wildlife Areas

1. Leave all wild animal babies, including birds, where they are in woods and fields. The parents are usually close by or are off searching for food.

2. Preserve the forest by leaving flowers on their stems, shrubs and trees standing and by being responsible with fire.

3. Learn to know snakes. Harmless species are out number poisonous ones and even poisonous snakes bite only if provoked.

4. Take empty cans and bottles home or leave in proper containers, thus avoiding risk of animals getting heads caught in cans or feet cut on broken glass. Remember – animals go barefoot!

5. Respect and protect homes of animals – dens, nests and food supplies.

6. Throw scraps of food far from highway so that animals attracted to the food will not be run over by vehicles.

7. Ask drivers to slow down in wooded sections, keeping a sharp eye out, so they may yield to animals their right-of-way.

8. Get professional help when trying to rescue an injured animal.

9. Keep pet dogs and cats under control so they will not chase wild animals.

10. Prevent pollution of the environment by doing without poison sprays, refusing to throw trash into streams, and speaking out to remind others.

11. Insist that wildlife refuges be “places where animals are safe and protected” – not shooting galleries!

12. Hunt with a camera – as YOU would like to be hunted.


Kids Activities

Crossword #1 Crossword #2 Coloring Book Word Find #1
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