What is here today can be gone tomorrow. Every life is a miracle, every life deserves a second chance.

- Gail Martin -

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Jump into Spring with our resident bobcat Tucker

Tucker is doing very well and loves to watch the seasons change. His favourite Spring activity is to chase after bouncing tennis balls and pounce from behind his hiding spots to catch them.

As well as his behaviour, Tucker’s coat is mimicking the changing of the seasons. It is turning to a beautiful burnt orange just in time for the upcoming summer months.

He has been getting lots of attention from his caretakers, who recently purchased a new PVC tunnel for him. This gives him more privacy and prompts him to play. 

It is imperative that Tucker’s enclosure be switched up often. This encourages natural behaviours and gives him a change of scenery, which is extremely important for all captive wildlife.

Some other ways we support Tucker’s natural behaviours are to scatter feed, encourage predator/prey play with toys, and add lots of new items like trees/food/toys to his enclosure. Soon, it will be warm enough for our beloved bobcat to get his pool back so he can start fishing again. 

Join in, as Tucker 

and all of Critter Care’s staff

embrace Spring 

and all the wonders 

that come with it!

Critter Care Wildlife Society News

Beaver in a blanket
18 Jun, 2024
Recently, Critter Care rescued a baby beaver, which we named Aspen. Our estimates are, that, she was only two weeks old, when she came in. Aspen was rescued, after being washed down some rapids, and we were unable to find her parents or the dam that it came from.
Baby beaver
14 Jun, 2024
As baby season begins, we often receive inquiries about what to do when you find baby animals or when it becomes a concern. This post has some key points to keep in mind.
Great Canadian Giving Challenge
11 Jun, 2024
At Critter Care Wildlife Society, our mission is to rescue, rehabilitate, and release orphaned and injured animals. As we approach the busy summer season, we rely on the generosity of our community to continue our vital work. This June, you have an incredible opportunity to support Critter Care and potentially help us win a $10,000 donation through the Great Canadian Giving Challenge!
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