What is here today can be gone tomorrow. Every life is a miracle, every life deserves a second chance.

- Gail Martin -

Get Involved


Volunteers are the foundation of our society, would couldn't operate without them.  We could use help in all areas from general labor to animal rescues.  Click below to see the full list of opportunities.

Enroll Today


We are very busy from mid-March to September. Spring, Summer and early Fall brings the majority of our admissions. Winter is spent caring for the animals that were too small to release in the fall. We also seem to get more injured animals in the winter.

We provide FREE room and board to successful applicants, you must be 18+ to apply.


Internships will be offered all year long to interested and motivated individuals (Slackers need not apply!!!).

Summer internships are from April/May until July 31 or later. Preference is given to those who can stay longer than two months. Spring and Summer internships are highly competitive. For an the Application Form and Agreement and Release Form click on the "Application Forms." button.

Application Forms


A Co-opship is a day intern of a minimum of 4-5 days a week.  You are not required to live on site.

Experience co-parenting of orphaned and injured wildlife & help with day to day tasks.

We are very busy from mid-March to September. Spring, summer and early fall brings the majority of our admissions. Winter is spent caring for the animals that were too small to release in the fall. We also seem to get more injuries in the winter.

You must be a minimum of 18 + years of age, and in good health to perform all duties.

Co-opship's will be offered year round to interested and motivated individuals (Slackers need not apply!!!)

Application Forms

Frequently Asked Questions

Click on the FAQ button below for answers to some of the more commonly asked questions when considering an internship at Critter Care. If you have any further questions or concerns please don’t hesitate to contact our office via e-mail. 


Intern Stories

We’ve been blessed with great interns over the years. We love to hear what they have to say about their experiences at Critter Care.

Here you will find many years of testament to the caring and compassionate individuals that pass through our doors as interns and become the foster mums and dads to many of our wild orphans and critically injured animals. Many of them come just for this once in a lifetime experience while others use their experience as a springboard into a host of animal related careers including rehabilitation, veterinary medicine, and zoo keeping among others. 

We hope you will enjoy their memoirs as much as they did, and that you may even decide to join us one summer. Internships are for any age any creed any color: all our animals need is love and caring!

For stories see below...

Emma Reynolds-


I started interning at Critter Care Wildlife Society in February 2021 and stayed until Oct 2021. I learned so much about all different kinds of animals. Before you become an intern, you should probably know your workdays are long and hard, especially during baby season (April to July). You won’t really get a day off during those months but it's worth it because you are raising the next generation of animals.  
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Sebastian Elsenbroek -


I interned with Critter Care from September 23 to December 20 last fall. During that time, I got to work with some amazing animals and people. When I first arrived at Critter Care, I didn’t know what to expect. What I found at Critter Care was something completely different and better than what I was hoping to find. 
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Bethany Tollman –  United Kingdom


Overall my experience at critter care has been incredible and a wonderful experience. I spent 2 1/2 months here over the baby season. During my time here I had the privilege of working with 9 raccoons, 12 skunks, a mink and several rabbits and hares. 

This placement allowed me to learn so much about the care and rehabilitation of many different species. This includes things like how to progress young babies through to adolescents, from bottle fed multiple times a day to fully being weaned onto solid food.
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Johnny Polisena – Canada 
My experience at Critter Care can be expressed in so many ways. It was a lot of good, bad and everything in between. There were times that were exciting, stressful, rewarding, upsetting, fulfilling and exhausting, among many other adjectives. 

Overall I would definitely say that working at this center was worthwhile and has made a positive impact on me and my future.
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Magdalena Fleckenstein – Germany
The internship at Critter Care Wildlife Society was a wonderful experience that I can without a doubt recommend to anyone who loves animals as much as I do. It was not just about working with these wonderful, lovable and kind animals
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Meghan Knauer-


I started at Critter Care in September, being the youngest intern there at the time. It was very nerve wracking at first, not having any prior experiences like this before. I soon settled into a rhythm and grew to appreciate the hard work around the clock that is needed to help run the facility. I had made many life long connections from all over the world which felt like a bonus to being able to help rehabilitate the wildlife. The joy I felt working with my animals was indescribable.
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Max well Jenkins -


I will preface this testimonial with what I believe are the most important things to understand before agreeing to gain work experience at Critter Care: days can be long and extremely difficult, you may feel helpless as you lose animals to disease or injury, the time of year will strongly affect your overall experience, and make the most of your time by strengthening bonds with other interns. Even with my limited experience in animal care I can confidently say everyone deals with a mixture of rewarding and devasting moments while caring for animals.  
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Eva Bubbe – Belguim


For me this internship was a dream come true. I had always wanted to work as a wildlife rehabilitator and I’m passionate about wildlife, so Critter Care was the perfect experience for me.

As soon as I got here everyone was really welcoming. There was always someone around to help out if you had any questions about anything and everything.
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Justine Scaccia – United States
Hello! My name is Justine and I just finished my internship with Critter Care. It’s a very bittersweet farewell since I am utterly and completely in love with my animals. I came into this experience prepared to work hard and to endure long hours. 
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Rachel Hilton – United Kingdom
I have just finished a five month internship at Critter Care, from September 2017 to the end of January 2018, and had the pleasure of looking after 23 incredible animals of my own – eight squirrels, three raccoons, seven opossums, three skunks, a rabbit and a mink.
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Danielle Bois – Canada


Interning at Critter Care Wildlife Society was a life-changing experience that helped me grow as an individual. I completed an academic internship at Critter Care in the summer of 2021. After fulfilling my academic duties, I couldn’t resist extending my internship for a total of 4 months. During this time, I had the pleasure and responsibility of caring for a diversity of species including squirrels, rabbits, raccoons, fawns, a beaver, and a marmot named Daffodil. I had the honor of aiding in the safe release of otters and bears as well.
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Danielle Bois – Canada


My time as an intern at critter care has been an exceptional experience. I am certain that the opportunities provided are unparalleled to any other organization in BC.
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Georgina McBride – Canada


My experience at Critter Care Wildlife Society has been one I will never forget. There have been times of extreme stress and exhaustion during baby season, but it has always been balanced out with fun and laughter. 

The people at the centre, interns and supervisors included, were friendly and welcoming. The close living situation and kindness of others made me feel as if we were our own family.
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Marissa Maitland – Australia 
They say you will have one break down. In my case that was a lie, I had at least one break down per day. But trust me, it will all be worth it the first time your baby raccoons growl at someone else. 

I think I realized I’d hit rock bottom when I cried at the sight of Eva’s baby opossum because “he was so cute I couldn’t handle it”. 
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Sofie Adelaar – Netherlands
Hi I’m Sofie from the Netherlands and i’ve worked at CritterCare Wildlife Society from September 2017 – January 2018. In one word; unforgettable. The first time I fed my baby squirrels I just melted of the cuteness of it. 

It is such a rewarding job, to see them growing and becoming more and more like a real wild squirrel. It makes you feel really proud when they’re getting released and run up the tree (one of my squirrels even looked back at me like see wanted to say good bye, just breaks your heart).
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