What is here today can be gone tomorrow. Every life is a miracle, every life deserves a second chance.

- Gail Martin -

Wildlife Rehabilitation

Wildlife Rehabilitation

Critical Care

Critical Care is a large part of any good rehab facility and Critter Care is no exception. Each year we deal with hundreds of animals that have been severely debilitated very often as a result of human-animal conflicts, including animals hit by cars, animals accidentally (and intentionally) poisoned. We also have animals that come in diseased, starved or simply suffering from parasites or pneumonia. Critter Care has the facility, the medicine, the staff and the voluntary veterinary support of several prominent clinics throughout the lower mainland in order to provide superior care.


When animals are received they undergo a thorough examination by our trained supervisors and receive immediate therapy and medication. If the injuries sustained are beyond the expertise of our technical staff then we immediately refer the case to one of the veterinarians that supports our organization. Alleviating the suffering of the animal is our number one priority. Some animals have had to remain in care for up to six months, but never under conditions where the animal could become non-releasable. Preservation of life to imprison or handicap is not part of our mission: we work toward the freedom of the animal and its return to successful participation in Nature.

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