Deepening Your Practice

Deepening Your LDP Practice

Are you curious to go even deeper than the Action Logics - look in the very core of the person’s meaning-making and see how their potential for coping, learning and transforming is actually built? Our capacity for making meaning is always in flux. However, we are not always aware of what exactly is shifting – our self-identity, our view of relationships, our mental models of the world, everything at once? And - what is it shifting to, what can we effectively expect?

In this programme, we will attempt to reach deeper currents of our meaning-making – those flowing beneath the Action Logics – we call them “meaning-making capacities”:

  • Self-experiencing
  • Perspective adeptness, and
  • Complexity processing

We seem to have captured how these capacities work and develop, i.e. over time they form more complex patterns of operating. Understanding this gives us a much more nuanced view of the Action Logics and of the dynamic of human development as such. Meaning-making capacities give rise to the possibility of developing capabilities that we employ to lead and work as a professional. Discerning the meaning making capacities, seeing them in action through capabilities and, making a value judgement about their 'maturity' and degree of integration enables an advanced practitioner to help the client chart their development trajectory, a sort of 'curriculum' for development.

Deepening Your Practice will:

  • Nuance your understanding of the developmental spaces and energies throughout our adult life
  • Strengthen your Core Developmental Capability – your ability to perceive deep structures of meaning making and hear them in oral and written speech
  • Expand your LDP debriefer skill set, with:
    - enhanced listening for the client’s meaning making projected in their LDP Form,
    - bringing your insight to the client by articulating their likely capabilities and tailor-making developmental practices in support of those.

You will also learn to fine tune your field presence during the actual debrief conversation. All and all, this debrief is likely to be different from ones you have done before.

The programme structure:

  • Four online workshops of three hours each
  • Three online ‘practice forums’ where you explore, with others, your debriefing in action
  • Buddy trios, which support your developing skills

What is required of you?

  • Attendance at the workshops, practice forums and work with your buddy trio
  • Recording of one LDP Coaching Debrief (the Profile is provided free within the course), that you will use during the course

DATES:  New dates coming soon

COST:  £560 (+VAT where applicable)

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