Post-Op Instructions Following Extractions
Proper care of the mouth following most dental procedures can reduce complications and speed the healing of the surgical area.
Protection of the blood clot: Maintain gentle pressure by biting on the gauze sponge that has been placed over the surgical area for at least 45 minutes to an hour. If bleeding continues, replace sponge with another as provided.
Do not rinse: After 24 hours rinse with warm salt water (1 tsp salt in 9ozs of warm water) every 1-2 hours is recommended. Do not use commercial mouthwashes during the healing period.
Pain: Following dental surgery it is normal to experience some discomfort. If medication has been given or prescribed, take as instructed.
The toothbrush: You may carefully use a toothbrush in the area of the mouth not involved by the surgical procedure. A clean mouth will heal faster.
Eating: Adequate food and fluid intake following surgery and/or general extractions is most important. If you find that eating your regular diet is too difficult you may supplement your diet with liquids. Do not consume liquids through a straw. Avoid alcoholic and carbonated beverages until the healing is well established.
Avoid: Avoid all excessive activity. Do not pick at the surgical area.
Sutures: If sutures are used, the appointment coordinator will give you an appointment to have them removed. Please do not miss this appointment.