In many ways, this endeavor has not been so different from “Lady Liberty’s” journey. It is often said that the more significant and important something is, the more challenging and difficult the road or path will be. This was surely the case for Frederic Auguste Bartholdi as he birthed The Statue of Liberty. It took him 20 years to see his dream, his passion and his destiny come to fruition. But he was relentless. He was sometimes ridiculed, and frequently disappointed by would-be supporters. He was often tired and alone. But he was also a man on a mission and not afraid to stay the course.
To this day it remains unknown how clear Bartholdi was in his days during the late 19th Century as to the worldwide significance his colossal statue would one day hold. When we visit her and look upon her and consider what she stands for today, the SOR Foundation hopes that we will no longer take for granted the immense effort and treasure that was required to bring her to our eastern shore.
As our planet reels these past several years from a global pandemic, economic trauma, rising homelessness, various addictions, cultural divisions, war and every other social and economic woe that besets us, may we all take a closer look at our freedoms, and may this statue be the window through which we view a more responsible world. A world where we all take greater responsibility for our own lives and our communities. A world where the message that we are all connected is more powerful than the messages of division that have created such intense pain and suffering. A planet where the abuses inflicted on Mother Earth herself find some healing influences. In short, a more responsible world populated by more responsible citizens, maximizing greater freedom for all.
May Responsibility stand side by side with Liberty as a fellow lighthouse for generations to come. May we be united in finding cures for more than just physical illnesses and earnestly seek to heal deeper wounds. To heal those wrongs that have divided us for too long. We envision a world where smaller satellite versions of this powerful monument and message of responsibility will be shared with many nations – a message that may catalyze our re-birth as a planet – a world where ever-expanding freedom is guided and supported by individual and community responsibility, leading to greater peace, freedom, prosperity and humanity. May we be the generation to build a Statue of Responsibility in America, the other half of the equation to our beautiful Statue of Liberty. In doing so, we can set an example to the world of what coming together for the greater good looks like.
The irony is not lost on us in the fact that this monument will be built on the old Utah prison grounds. Along with Responsibility comes the power and possibility for Redemption – the belief that we can rise above past mistakes, abuse, poverty, strife, disease, and corruption—together.
We hope to be able to do this, in concert with the Point of the Mountain State Land Authority, The Point Partners, FFKR Architects, Okland Construction, and many other responsible parties at the Point of the Mountain in beautiful Utah. After all, it feels like this extraordinary project goes “hand in hand” with “the “Utah Way”.
We invite you to see and share in the great importance and value of building this grand monument in Utah, at a time when America – and our children – need it most.