The Force that is Aries


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july monthly horoscopes askalittlewitch
by KERRY MCCULLAM 04 Jul, 2020
Learn what July 2020 will bring your Zodiac Sign.July has the element of continual exposure. I sense that information, correspondences and miscommunications are still likely for July. The central vibe is in CHANGE, sudden and unexpected, out of the box shocking stuff coming to light this month.
Weekly Horoscope for June 29, 2020, Weekly Tarot, Weekly Vibes, Skull, Devil Tarot, Fool Tarot,
by KERRY MCCULLAM 29 Jun, 2020
Taking Sides leads to instant Karma. The courage to speak out and past truths revealed.

JUNE 2020

June I sense for many Aries, sun, Moon or Rising signs that money, finances, assets and purchases are the central theme for this month. There could be things that break down, a sudden expense that you didn’t budget for, Venus, the ruler of the 2nd Rx, an eclipse in the house of home and conveniences as well as Mercury Rx. It’s not all bad, with the right mentality, yes there might be a need to borrow some money, but I also sense that you will come into the money you need in small parts. Like someone giving you too much change, or finding money unexpectedly. 

I also feel as though someone may let something slip at a social event, virtually or otherwise, I get the sense you don’t like the people, or you would rather be or do anything else… Anywho, a disagreement could spring up about the past you could have very conflicting ideas about the past event, which can result in you being given the cold shoulder.

Aside from that news of money or a proposition to earn a little more coming to the home… Postcode lottery anyone?


MAY 2020

I feel like you might be a little in your head this Month, overthinking matters that don’t need to be over thought. I feel you need to stay on the ground in May, it might not be the best time to take flight. A need for you to stand firm with a goal or target you set for yourself. Amongst the changes that take place try not let it or anyone ruffle your feathers and take you off course. 

I see the number 4 for you Aries, days that add to 4 could hold significance, 4, 13, 22, 31 if you know about numerology then look out for your personal 4 days. Four is the number of stability, and so there is a need to consider the future when making choices this Month. Four is about family, security and the foundations from where all things are built, ensure you have your eyes on the prize.


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