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JUNE HOROSCOPES 2020 | Just Keep Breathing | Eclipses, Mercury Rx...

KERRY MCCULLAM • Jun 01, 2020



Hey loves, so today marks the beginning of June 2020. I'll be discussing some of the transits along with my intuitive predictions for each sign at the end. If you like what you see here today, please do consider subscribing to the weekly circle (newsletter) below.

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May was a month where everything began to slow down… The image I saw for May was breaker switches being flipped and shut off which could've been representational of all the Planets turning retrograde.

How did May play out for you? Click to let me know


Now, of course, we have Eclipses taking place this month. We have the first of the Gemini/Sagittarius destined story Eclipses birthing June 5, followed by two more in November and December of this year and more in 2021. 

We also have the completion of the Cancer/Capricorn Karmic story happening this month into the beginning of July… The final Cancer Eclipse June 21, and the last Capricorn Eclipse July 5. 

Essentially we're in a Karmic shift, new fated stories birthing and the past 18-year story comes to a close. We're all in new unprecedented times. [another post will follow about the nodal shift]

The Node's purpose is to align us with ours, our purpose in life. Everything when we observe the planets is patterns and cycles, it makes sense out of the chaos, it gives reason and meaning to the seemingly random events.

I'll be doing a video to explain how this shift will influence your sign, but I urge everyone to map their own transits for the best understanding of what to expect.

What Changes did this last year and a half cycle bring you? And did something similar happen in April 2000-October 2001?

Let me know click here.


The Gemini + Sagittarius Eclipses...

A new cycle is beginning. Every 18 years the Node's return to this exact space in the cosmos (and your chart). The last time the Nodes were here was October 2001 - April 2003, did anything significant happen?

This new destined story will progress off of an extension of something that happened then. Remember everything happens for a reason, and the purpose of the nodes is to align you to you and your purpose.

[again another video to come]


We also have Mercury Rx June 14 [another video/post to follow], I urge you to check out my Astrology Pages here at my website. If you want to check how Mercury Rx will be influencing you, I have a post dedicated to the transit just click the button below



May 13 - June 25, 2020 | Venus will continue her Rx motion until June 25 if you haven't checked out that Video I'll leave a link here or simply click the button…



Essentially this month the universe is in a re-alignment. We have so many planets Rx on top of two Eclipses this month it signals a significant shift and change is in the making. I feel that June will teach us all that things are changing whether we like it or not, we must accept that things change and adapt accordingly. You see the planetary alignments are telling us to slow down… to work on adjusting internally, the time will come for action. For now, it's about living your life more purposefully and mindfully. I believe the lesson here is to remove yourself from negative or toxic people/environments. It's about niching down, being selective and being present with yourself. 

June's motto is "Just breathe", you don't think to be able to breathe, you just do it. It's in knowing that whatever is released will be replaced, just as one breath enters and releases another one comes in.

Personal sessions can be booked in below, just click the button to view the Services available. ď»ż


Scroll down to view your Signs insight for June… Until next time trust your vibes and follow the stars because everything happens for a reason.

Be safe. Be well. Thank you so much for reading



Aries | Sun - Moon - Rising Signs

June I sense for many Aries, Sun, Moon or Rising signs that money, finances, assets and purchases are the central theme for this month. There could be things that break down, a sudden expense that you didn't budget for, Venus, the ruler of the 2nd Rx, an eclipse in the house of home and conveniences as well as Mercury Rx. It's not all bad, with the right mentality, yes there might be a need to borrow some money, but I also sense that you will come into the money you need in small parts. Like someone giving you too much change, or finding money unexpectedly. 

I also feel as though someone may let something slip at a social event, virtually or otherwise, I get the sense you don't like the people, or you would rather be or do anything else… Anywho, a disagreement could spring up about the past you could have very conflicting ideas about the past event, which can result in you being given the cold shoulder.

Aside from that news of money or a proposition to earn a little more coming to the home… Postcode lottery anyone?

Taurus | Sun - Moon - Rising Signs

June I sense that many Taurus Sun, Moon, and rising signs will be connecting with the past and cultivating a new beginning for themselves. The energy for you is light, it's hopeful, and yet something is scratching at the surface… Your subconscious is trying to tell you something, try practising a little mindfulness, mediation or visualisation to help create what you desire and free you from the things that hold you back.

As you wait for something to get started this month take the time to connect with yourself, you do not need to be actively doing all the time. Take time to relax, recoup, recover.

For some Taurus folks, there could be a pregnancy or house move within the family, or the conception of a new something that will take time to actualise, be it a move, a business venture, a baby, relationship.

Gemini | Sun - Moon - Rising Signs

June I sense that for many Gemini, Sun, Moon or Rising signs a need to wait, show a little patience and think before you act this month. Something is gestating in June, it requires you to think, plan, and keep your sights on the longterm vision, not immediate gratification. Think of June as the conception of a baby, be that a new project, new job, study or move… don't be a hurry this month.

June might mean that you're thinking of making some moves when it comes to making more money. With a Focus on your future and a knack for communication, some of you might be thinking about starting an online business, building an online presence or taking something to the next level.

Again though, Mercury Rx this month in that 2nd house of wealth, assets and possessions, so it's a great time to investigate, plan and prepare but keep yourself grounded and focused on the long term. Also, not the best time to make significant investments. But to know with work, a well thought out plan and preparation this could be a financially profitable venture. 

Cancer | Sun - Moon - Rising Signs

June I sense that for Cancer's, Sun, Moon and Rising signs that there can be a lot of talk around something important, big even, a wanting to do something good and do it the right way. I feel there will be a new sense of stability, financial matters may be in focus this month. 

There could be a radical change to the way you think about something and as a result, luck changes. The ruler of your 4th house of home and conveniences is still Rx until the end of the month and transiting the 12th house. Mercury also Rx could bring some car trouble, things slowing you down, cancellation of travel plans or needing to get something fixed that could turn out to be the blessing you need.

You might also find that people suddenly appear or disappear from your life this month or the role they play in your life changes. A change of heart as romance shifts and new commitments made.

Leo | Sun - Moon - Rising Signs

June I sense for many Leo Sun, Moon or Rising signs that friendships, gossip, community, networking and news is the central theme of this month. If I am honest Leo, you've outgrown some group, friendship or connection and whatever you're experiencing is to teach you this lesson. If we had this conversation a few years ago you' de care a lot, now, you're beginning to realise that not everyone's opinion matters, no longer wanting to be about the goss, even if it is about you - you don't care. And what weight to be lifted is that.

Don't be surprised if someone spreads false stories about you, it says more about them hiding behind a mask that is slipping faster than oil in a tub. It could even be about the current COVID sitch, people just saying stuff… it's coz you're a Leo you grab attention wherever you go. I've heard stories, people screaming at people on the street who are standing to close to each other... it's like being back in the '50s where segregation was a thing.

I guess what I am saying is you have all you need you don't need anything more. You have all you need to see you through. Focus on yourself, your health, that's both physical and mental health. If an argument comes out of the blue, throwing accusations know that a break from this energy will do you a world of good.

Virgo | Sun - Moon - Rising Signs

June I sense that for many Virgos, Sun, Moon, Rising signs a little rudderless, confusion and misdirection this month. It's like you're going places, but your compass needs recalibrating. When you dig a little beneath the surface, you'll come to see a complete shift in your beliefs, mindset or it could be a complete life change. A change of direction lets say.

For some Virgo, this could be a house move or something significant as in high value at home breaking. It might even be conflicts or arguments with family over these changes. Need I say Mercury Rx, but double-check your insurance, contracts or any legal docs before signing as there could a costly clause.

I guess you could say that one aspect your life is blossoming but it feels as if your spiritual and physical selves are a little out of balance so finding a way to ground and bring them back into balance would be great.

Libra | Sun - Moon - Rising Signs

June I sense the arrival of someone, something or news that can cause a little of conflict… but I also feel that it's a necessary step to open the doors to what you want you most. Romantically you could be having a bit of rough patch, but ultimately it's bringing you what you actually want… So don't go against your instincts and pay attention to what's going on, do not overlook the details in fact, do the opposite look a little deeper, sense out your pattern and make the change you need to free you from it.

Remember that your ruler is Rx and so someone from your past could come back in, not forever but as a way to show you how far you've grown and what you do want… sometimes we have to experience what things we don't want to know what we do want. Think of it as a visit that gives you what you need, the arrival of something that provides the solution to something else.

Scorpio | Sun - Moon - Rising Signs

June I sense that for many Scorpio's, Sun, moon or Rising signs that this will also be a big month for you. Changes in your friendships, potential challenges to overcome in your connect section of life… Next month you will have the last eclipse in your 3rd so allow limited friendships to leave and be open to new ones. Change in your vision for the future or the way that you think or what you believe about something. 

Solutions are what I see for you this month and a giant boar, so solutions if you face your problems head-on and thighs will sway in your favour in June. A new opportunity is just around the corner, and it will open you to up to so much more… again only if you're willing to do the work, face that block, fear, challenge head-on. When you stop hiding, and you walk toward it that fear, limitation or angst will fade. 

Sagittarius | Sun - Moon - Rising Signs

June I sense that for many Sagittarius, Sun, Moon or Rising signs that if you're going to bet on anyone, bet on yourself. I feel like this month, there is a feeling of risk, taking a gamble on something and waiting to see where the chips fall. There will be an opportunity this month, act on it and commit yourself to it full-heartedly. 

I believe there is a lot of fear around something coming to an end, it's not something you share with everyone, after all, you're a party starter, you bring rainbows wherever you go.. But the fear, worry or angst is very real for you… Truth is, this something coming to an end could provide you with the solution you need, there is n opportunity here. Need I remind you, fear or whatever it is you're overthinking is not real, its a byproduct of your imagination, your choices and action determine the end result. 

You will have a breakthrough… just get out of your head and start to take small steps towards this next chapter.

Capricorn | Sun - Moon - Rising Signs

June I sense that for many Capricorns, Sun, Moon, Rising signs big developments in your relationships. Laying down the foundations to establish strong roots with this person, who you may connect with online in a group or through a change in job or this person has an online or social presence. 

Meeting new people or connecting with people online, in a group or community is likely to be the gateway to meeting a great love or building a powerful alliance. I do feel that Many Capricorns are in a transition within their careers like there status is shifting, which can mean a new job, new location, new relationship…

Whoever these connections are, they will prove to be important. So Capricorns, put on your observation hat, open your eye, ears and take note of whats going on.

Aquarius | Sun - Moon - Rising Signs

June I get a similar feeling to the vibes I got for Leo, so many Aquarius, Sun moons and Rising signs might hear some things that stir inner truths free. I feel that you might stumble upon something from the past that brings about a deep and intimate conversation. I also feel an expense tied to this and a wanting to do something right and being contentious with it. 

Either there are some money worries, sudden expenses or you're thinking about the cost of certain choices, past relationships and past nagging feelings. Don't be so hard on yourself, everything happens for a reason, do what you need to do to work it out. And watch that dark shadow dissipate, all you have to do is shine a light on it instead of ignoring it.

Pisces | Sun - Moon - Rising Signs

June I sense that many Pisces, Sun, moon or rising signs will be focusing upon their roots, security and home. Whenever we wish to make a change, the change is only taken if you get it in the depth of the roots. So whatever is taking place, it's gonna get right in there and enforce lasting change.

I also feel that things in the home might break, conveniences, property, gadgets or gizmos. It could even just be that there is a change in and surrounding the house itself or those you live with. Some Pisces might be considering moving, others might just want to spend some time away from the home or family this month. 

Sudden twists and turns are what I see for Pisces, and it will directly affect your foundations. Future changes in the work environment with the nodal shift that will build over the summer months that are implemented in June. These changes look to be really positive in the longterm for you. ď»ż

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