Fall to Pieces

fall to pieces

They were high school sweethearts with plans to be each other's forever.

That dream ended the day one of them was found dead on the bathroom floor of the home they shared.

August Taylor
 thought she could manage the weight of the world on her shoulders. While forcing a smile, she hid the secrets of the man she loved and pretended everything was okay...

Until she failed to understand the sickness that consumed the person she devoted herself to. 
He chose his addiction over her. As August spirals into a self-destructive behavior, plummeting her life toward rock bottom, she finds a beacon of hope in the least suspecting place.

Chance Miller,
 a hard working man with a devastating past foresees his life as destined for solitude. For years he has spent his free time trying to help others overcome the similar traumas he has endured, but no one has needed him...

Until he spotted August in the local whiskey bar, alone, late at night. From a distance, Chance watched this beautiful stranger, a woman with desperation burnt into her eyes, lose herself within the reflection of an empty bottle.

Despite her resistance, Chance is compelled to step in and pull her back from the precipice of the pain and darkness she's inching toward.

Will these two strangers unite for the temptation of hope beyond a world of grief? Or will they collide and fall to pieces, never to become whole again?

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