

By Oddball Creative 01 Nov, 2021
Search engine optimization is a complicated process, but it's an important one. As search engines grow smarter and search algorithms improve, search engine rankings become more difficult to achieve. But don't worry! This blog post will teach you the ins-and-outs of search engine optimization (SEO). We'll cover five ways that you can increase your website's rankings with SEO - no matter what industry you're in or how much money you have. Let's kick this off with 5 simple ways that you can improve your small business's search engine results: 1. Content is king First thing's first: you need to start by writing some great content After all, search engines are just looking for websites that have fresh, relevant information that their users will find useful. It doesn't matter what industry you're in or how much money your company has - every website should be publishing high-quality content on a regular basis (at least once per week). Content can include things like blog posts, social media updates, downloadable PDFs, interactive tools/calculators, infographics, and videos. If it helps one of your customers accomplish something or makes them feel inspired about solving a problem, then it's worth sharing 2. Build links to your website. Links are like "votes" for search engines, which help determine how valuable/important a particular webpage is (and therefore the search rankings of that page). So what you want to do is find other websites in your industry and reach out to them asking if they would be willing or able to link back to yours. This can come in the form of guest blogging on their blog, sharing relevant content via Twitter, etc. - just make sure not to spam people! Build links slowly over time so that search engines understand exactly who's linking back and why it makes sense for those two sites/pages. You don't want search engine traffic coming from random places because then the value of each incoming link will drop 3. Use search engine friendly keywords and phrases in your content. This is another important way to increase search rankings, but it can't be done haphazardly - you need to know what search terms people are actually using when they type something into a search box on Google or Bing! Here's where those analytics & keyword tools come into play: With these tools, you'll have access to information like which keywords/phrases people use most often, how many times per month each one gets searched for online, etc. After all of that research, you should take the top two-to-three target words/phrases and weave them naturally throughout your website/blog posts. Don't stuff too much text with unnecessary keywords because this will only annoy search engine bots and users. 4. Optimize your website and blog for mobile search. This is a really important one especially if you're trying to reach people who search on their phones because search engines are now more likely to show mobile-friendly websites in search results. So if your site isn't responsive or you have a "substandard" website that doesn't load properly on mobile devices, then it might be time for an upgrade 5. Focus on search engine rankings and traffic. This might sound like common sense, but you shouldn't just focus your search marketing efforts on increasing search rankings for one particular page - instead, think about how all of your search strategies can work together to ultimately increase website/blog traffic. After all, the ultimate goal is getting people interested in what you have to offer so that they become customers! When it comes down to it, search engines are only as smart as we allow them to be. The more effort we put into making our websites worth visiting (i.e., publishing great content), the higher up those sites will rank when users type specific queries into a search bar and click "search." this blog post helps clarify some things about search engine optimization and how to use it as a marketing/business tool. If your small business needs assistance climbing up the ladder on search results, contact Oddball Creative. We perform search engine optimization for clients in Owensboro, KY.
a small business owner
By Oddball Creative 13 Sep, 2021
You may not realize it, but your website can be the most important factor in determining whether or not you grow your small business. It's time to stop thinking about how much traffic you need to generate and start concentrating on converting visitors into customers. If you're looking for a web design company with experience designing websites that convert, then Oddball Creative is the perfect fit! We are an advertising agency based out of Owensboro, KY that specializes in all types of marketing including web design services. Let us help make your website great by calling 270-681-5491 today! Physical Location Vs Online Presence When you think of your small business, you probably put a lot of focus on your physical location, but did you know that the majority of consumers will search for your business online before making a decision to visit your location? In fact, there are over 200 million monthly searches for "near me" in Google. People want to do business with companies that have a strong web presence and the only way you're going to rank high on search engines is if your website looks professional and provides readers with all of the information they need. How To Get Started Your great website starts by working alongside our team at Oddball Creative who will design a custom layout tailored specifically towards converting visitors into customers! Whether it's an e-commerce site selling products or services, we can help create a compelling interface that people like browsing through. We'll work closely together focusing not just on how your homepage appears but also what type of strategy must be implemented so that when someone lands on one page they end up taking another desired action. How Can A Website Help My Business? Getting a great website is one step towards converting visitors into paying clients but there's still plenty more work left once this happens. You'll need an efficient call to action that leads customers to take the next desired step, whether it's scheduling an appointment or filling out a contact form. We have plenty of experience in designing websites with call-to-action buttons and forms scattered throughout in order to ensure you get results! Your website is only as good as what your web design company puts into it so make sure you choose Oddball Creative if you're looking for someone who understands how small businesses work and can deliver great results when working on their marketing strategy. Call today at 270-681-4591!
By Oddball Creative 01 Sep, 2021
How does your website rank on Google? When was the last time you thought about it? If you are like most small businesses, you probably haven't even considered this question. But it's important to know because ranking well on Google is one of the best ways for a business to get more customers. This blog post is going to discuss why having a great website that ranks well on google matters and how we use modern web design in Owensboro to accomplish the goals of small business owners. Why does it matter? First, why does it matter if my website ranks well on Google? When someone searches for a specific product or service online, they are going to use google and other search engines to find the information that they need. If your website doesn't show up in those results (aka you don't have great rankings), then most people aren't even going to see your site. How can ranking well impact my business? Ok, I can see why I need to rank well on Google. But how exactly does my website's ranking correlate with the success of my business? Well think about it like this: if your website ranks number one out of 100 websites for a certain product or service that you offer, then there is a good chance that people are going to click through and buy something from your site (as long as they trust your brand). And even though only a small percentage of those searchers are actually going to make an immediate purchase, having them land on your site increases their awareness- which means more potential sales over time. On top of all that... we just talked about conversions! The better your rankings, the more likely someone will take action and become a customer. How can I improve my Google Search rank? So how do I make my website go from the bottom of Google to number one? The most effective way is through good content and modern web design in Owensboro, and we can help you achieve that goal. Having your own website built out by professionals will increase trust between you and your potential customers- which helps boost rankings. We use modern web design techniques here at Oddball Creative that are fast, user-friendly (so people don't get frustrated), mobile responsive (which means they look great on all devices), and even include SEO optimization options so you rank well with Google! Ok...I think I got it now: ranking high on google increases sales because more people see my business's site, but having a quality website is the best way to do that. Great! So if you're looking for a professional web design company in Owensboro, KY or want more information on why your website's rankings matter- give us call at 270-681-5491 today. We'd love to help your business grow with modern web design and an excellent user experience online.
By Oddball Creative 31 Aug, 2021
Small businesses, also known as startups, may have a rough time when starting. That is understandable, as not everyone can make it just within their first few weeks. Whether you’re a small venture or a big experienced corporation, modern businesses have to trend with the times and follow through with online marketing tools to ensure brand relevance. One such tool is known as the backlink. Backlinks are a good way of making Google aware that your web content is helpful enough for users, much so that the products you are offering are definitely in demand. If other people are checking out your content by coming from another website, it gives the impression that your brand has something that many people may need. This may give Google the initiative to rank your website higher amongst the search results list, making your company more visible and relevant than ever. If you want to learn the different strategies for utilizing backlinks to their fullest extent, look no further than our tips below. 1) Get the Help of Influencers This may seem unrelated until you realize that one driving force of backlinks are the people starting up conversations. Nowadays, they are known as influencers with a particular pull with the target audience and have ample support to be heard online. You may already have a few of them in mind, but remember that your pick should still have a relevant connection to your products and services. The more relevant your influencers are to the products, the more relevant your backlinks and keywords will be. 2) Know Your Rivals Backlinks typically have a hyperlinked keyword within them. By knowing your competitors, you will be able to determine which keywords they haven’t used yet and which are the ones that seem to be working for them. By having a clear view and understanding of what they do, you will also have a birds-eye idea of what their possible strategies may be, giving you the chance to get an edge over them. 3) Know Your Link Builders People who link back to your website are known as link builders, and two types of them are advantageous to your company. Paid link builders are the ones you hire to drop your backlinks on various websites with a high domain rating. They will do this regularly and naturally so as not to appear like a spammer. On the other hand, natural link builders are your avid supporters, people you do not have to pay to post a couple of your backlinks. Their primary purpose of posting your backlinks usually ranges from helping out the other forum members to promoting their favorite brand. Either way, their act is beneficial to your brand in the long run, and they are the main reason your sales are well-maintained. 4) Lend a Hand Regardless of what you’re selling, you should be prepared to promote it through the relevant websites. Being helpful is one thing, but promoting your brand is a prime example of hitting two birds with one stone. Do not hesitate to provide others with a backlink of your product keywords, especially if they’re in dire need of it. The more helpful and natural your backlinks are, the more enticing it is for people to check them out. Conclusion Startup companies do not have to struggle when it comes to managing their backlinks. Instead, they may apply a couple of methods to help them increase their chances of ranking up in no time. By getting the help of influencers, knowing their competitors, recognizing link builders, and helping other brands, they may just be able to pull off a successful backlink campaign that will boost their brand significantly over their rivals. If you are looking for an SEO company in Owensboro, KY to handle all your backlinks for you, look no further than Oddball Creative Agency. We are a full-service design and advertising agency specializing in web design, online marketing, and video production. Reach success like never before—reach out to us today.
By Oddball Creative 31 Aug, 2021
3 Major Reasons Why You're Stuck With Little Organic Traffic Investing a lot of money and time on your website SEO can leave you hoping to receive a tremendous amount of organic traffic on your pages and posts. However, you seem to notice that you aren't getting the result you're anticipating. And to make matters a lot worse, you're stuck in a position where your organic traffic has plateaued. Yes, you've read that right. Sometimes, there are instances wherein websites can receive a stagnant amount of traffic from online users despite implementing various marketing tools and techniques to promote clicks and impressions. But looking at it from a positive perspective, it is fortunate enough that you're still receiving the bare minimum of traffic that you expect. This only means that people are interested in what you have to offer. Now, your only problem is to identify and address issues that can drive more organic traffic to your website. And that is something we can help you with. Here are three significant reasons you're stuck with the tiny amount of organic traffic you have and a couple of pieces of advice that can help you attract more people to your website. 1. You're Using Outdated Search Engine Optimization Tactics and Techniques One of the potential reasons your website is receiving a limited amount of organic traffic is outdated SEO techniques that no longer fulfill the criteria of ranking in search engines. Furthermore, if you're strategizing yourself, it could also result from the lack of knowledge and experience in implementing advanced SEO tactics that are causing your website to receive low organic traffic. Helpful tip: keep yourself up-to-date with search engine updates so that you can adapt to new changes in different platforms. It would also be beneficial to partner with a digital marketing agency experienced in search engine optimization for more advanced tactics and techniques that can make you rank higher in SERP. 2. You're Adopting Popular Target Keywords and Phrases That Are Too Competitive There's nothing wrong with using target keywords that you think most users will probably search for online. However, the problem is that most businesses have previously thought of the same idea, which means that the competition will be very stiff. It is during these instances that you have to face the harsh truth of reality. If you don't have that much authority, ones with a much higher ranking and power will only bury yours in SERP on search engines. Helpful tip: do some research on keywords and phrases to pick out some that you can use to rank up quickly. It would also be wiser to commit to low competition keywords until you build some authority and trust in your website. 3. You're Not Giving Much Attention in the Creation of Good and Impactful Content It is critical to note that marketing efforts and initiatives will only go to waste if you're not following up with valuable content that consumers will find helpful or interesting. You can indeed urge users to click on your link, but they won't stay or come back to your website if you don't provide them with meaningful information to solve or answer their inquiries. Helpful tip: it is essential to acknowledge the importance of impactful content creation. There are even cases when good content will rank high even without too much gimmick, as online users will naturally find their way to your post when they need answers. Conclusion Today, it isn't enough to do the bare minimum in digital marketing, as you must go the extra mile to achieve success. And if your knowledge and experience are limited, it would be helpful to collaborate with professionals for you to reach your goal. Oddball Creative Agency is a full-service digital marketing and web design agency based in Owensboro. We aspire to become a beacon of hope to small businesses that aim to survive the competitive realm of the business industry. So if you feel like you need a boost to increase your brand awareness and attract more customers, we are here to help. Contact us today for a consultation!
By Oddball Creative 11 Aug, 2021
This digital world requires businesses to have a well-designed and functional website to attract the target audience, expand their reach, and promote their products and services. Unfortunately, websites get more and more complex by the day. This led to slow loading times and poor user experience becoming a common issue. Additionally, while the internet has become more accessible for visitors, fast internet connection speeds are not guaranteed. When building a website, it’s important to prioritize its performance. Consider the number of assets, page layout, and loading speeds to ensure an excellent user experience. To create a fast and user-friendly website, here are some best practices to implement: Optimize Images Humans are visual creatures, which means we process visual information more effectively than content in other forms. For this reason, incorporating relevant and high-quality images and videos into your website allows you to better connect with users and improve conversion rates. However, this type of content is the biggest culprit for slow loading times. Now that screens have gotten larger and screen resolutions increased, the size and number of images used on websites have also shot up. To prevent visual elements from slowing down the website, optimize them properly with help from a website design expert. Limit the Number of Custom Fonts Another way to speed up the website load time is to reduce the number of custom fonts and the weights of the font used on web pages. Avoid introducing lots of fonts and other distractions to the page, so the site will load faster because of fewer files that have to be accessed. This will also help make the text more readable and easy on the eyes. Use Animation and Special Features Strategically Interactive and moving elements can improve user experience, but they can negatively affect the website’s overall speed and performance. This is especially true if visitors have a slow internet connection. For this reason, use animated elements and this type of effect only when they bring value to users. If you’re unaware what elements to remove and keep without compromising website performance, it’s helpful to consult with a digital marketing company. Collaborate with Web Designers and Web Developers DIY website builders allow you to create your own website for free. However, websites built from these platforms often have performance issues. Avoid these problems in the first place by partnering with website experts. By having web designers and web developers by your side, you save time and effort and prevent major headaches down the road once your website is launched. Consider Mobile Users A well-built website is one designed for a multitude of experiences. This means all groups of users have to be taken into account from the very beginning. Whether visitors have a slow internet connection or use devices with smaller screens, your website has to adapt to these and still offer a remarkable user experience. Conclusion A high-performing website is necessary for a strong online presence. When building one, follow these strategies. Don’t forget to work only with skilled web designers who have your best interests at heart. They will help you provide a good user experience by making the website aesthetically pleasing, functional, and fast. If you are looking for a customer-friendly marketing company in Owensboro specializing in web design, turn to Oddball Creative. We have a team of capable designers and developers who can build you a successful website. Contact us to learn more about our services!
By Oddball Creative 11 Aug, 2021
Looking for design inspiration online, you might have encountered a few myths about web design and how it affects the overall look and functionality. After all, the standards change as more and more technologies are developed. Here are some of the most common web design myths and the truth behind them: “The Fold” is Not Relevant. “The Fold” refers to the traditional first half of any printed material that often appears on the stands. In newspapers, for example, it is the part where the headline for the day lands. Meanwhile, in websites, “The Fold” refers to the first page that loads up upon clicking on the link. “Above the Fold” is the section on “The Fold” that users first see without scrolling down to see the entire page. When web designers first figured out how to design a web page, they used the idea of “The Fold” to create the landing page. They considered how the website looks, including what’s “Above the Fold.” However, since websites should be responsive on any device, having a “Fold” isn’t as relevant as it used to be. Instead, designers should design the totality of a website as it can appear in various sections on various devices. A great web designer should figure out how to do a layout that easily adjusts to whatever screen size the user is on. No matter which device they’re using, the structure should adapt accordingly. Web Design is Not About Aesthetics. Web design should be a combination of functionality and beauty. Therefore, a web should work as intended and look great for the viewer’s eyes. People associate designs with shapes, colors, fonts, and other elements that make a website look appealing. However, a web designer should incorporate the website’s visual identity more than design, making sure that the website represents the brand and company. Thinking about designing a website should also think about the elements that are placed in the website. A designer should add details in areas that make them look good or in locations that ensure sales conversion, lead generation, and marketing efforts are possible. After all, design isn’t only about what looks good, but how it works too. The Homepage is Not the Only Significant Page. The most common mistake in web design is going all out on the homepage design. Most designers think that the only significant page in the website, pouring all of the possible design elements into it. However, try to maximize other pages too to create a cohesive overall design. Since people click on links from search engines, it is more likely that a user will land on another page within your website aside from the homepage. Therefore, it’s only logical to fix how the other pages look and feel. Make sure that all your pages contain practical elements to help attain your desired results. Conclusion It doesn’t take a lot to design a great website. All you need to do is to consider the users, the website’s function, and the overall look to develop a well-designed website. Nail these three, and your brand should rank up the search engines and become the user’s go-to place for information. Oddball Creative Agency is a full-service design and advertising agency based in Owensboro, KY. We have a team made up of designers, entrepreneurs, developers, and creatives that bring our client’s ideas to life. Let’s change the way we do business. Sign up for an appointment through our website today.
By Oddball Creative 26 Jul, 2021
When it comes to outbound links, many people feel they take attention away from your website. Believe us when we tell you that they are helpful advertising, marketing, and search ranking tools that help with the actual overall performance of your website. Want to know how and why they contribute to better website performance? Check out this short guide on how backlinks work and why you need to start using them for your website design strategies. Why are Outbound Links Important? Outbound links direct you to other websites and other sources of information online. It might seem that these links take away attention from your website, but that is not the case. The truth is, it makes your site more high-quality and informational. Outbound links provide meaningful information and point to the source where it is confirmed. Interested people browsing online can view other websites and learn more about the article or blog post posted on your website. It is a clever tactic to add to your overall website design and strategies. Using outbound links in some ways makes you an indirect influencer. Suppose you wrote a food review of a new restaurant or a new product, and you included outbound links about this type of food and the restaurant’s website. This raises the value of your website, and people will trust you more because you pointed them in the right direction. How Outbound Links Contribute to Website Performance Using the correct outbound links will connect you to other peer websites, leading to link exchange and collaborations. It directs traffic and attention to both your sites and creates a mutual connection where both sites gain advantage from the attention and interlinking. You gain their audience while they gain yours, improving search ranking and results. It’s a win-win situation for both. Your link activities will also help improve your search rankings and appearances on search engine results pages. All related keywords used in the search and outbound links will show related pages with quality links to other sites. These other sites will also benefit from the results. Important Outbound Linking Tips Outbound links should go hand in hand with excellent website design and content. You need outbound links that belong to the same field and also have quality content. This way, you can promote and give attention to them, and search engines will recognize both your sites. Google and other search engines scan all the links included in your content. It can give them a better idea of your site identity and what kind of content online searchers will get. Avoid linking private blog networks as they have less value than active and public links. Also, avoid putting too many links as it clutters your site with unrelated information. Instead, stick to a few main strategic and relevant quality links that relate best to your site and content. You can also use internal links, which point to other content on your site included in search rankings and possible new traffic. Make these a part of your overall website design and content aside from your usual optimization and SEO steps. Choose Well and Collaborate with Other Sites’ Links Choose your outbound links well. Be clever in choosing high-performance and high-traffic links, especially those that receive greater attention and traffic from other platforms, such as social media. Find and interlink or with other smaller websites and blogs with the same content and mindset. It creates a seamless flow and provides a better user experience when browsing through your sites. In Closing Outbound links are a viable strategy if you use them right, which is why many websites use them for a better overall website design and SEO strategy. Contrary to popular belief, it is not counter-intuitive. It is a unique and unconventional way to create better and high-performance websites that stand out. Oddball Creative Agency employs other smart methods to compete in the vast world of websites around the world. If you want to have better-performing websites with quality content and better website design , give us a call.
By Oddball Creative 26 Jul, 2021
Over the last year, the world underwent some majorly stressful circumstances that also led to uncertainty. This was, of course, due to the global novel coronavirus pandemic. However, with the rollout of vaccines, restrictions are slowly being adjusted and lifted in certain places. It's led people to slowly see the light at the end of a long, dark tunnel and resume normal living—unless you're someone that's in the profession of marketing. There are still a lot of tough hurdles that need to be dealt with in terms of digital marketing. It's all because Google decided to do a major rollout of algorithm changes. A number of them affect search engine optimization since they involve organic rankings. There are two main categories for all of these: Broad Core and Named Algorithm Updates. To understand the Core Web Vitals update, we must look into the Named Algorithm Updates first. Named Algorithm Updates Updates under this category include Mobilegeddon, Panda, Medic, and Penguin. These updates were set out in order to address particular algorithm concerns. Issues include, but are not limited to: - Content that's repetitive and not made well - E-A-T-less (Expertise, Authority, or Trust) sites - Equality in search results for brands, whether small or big - Link building tactics by Black Hat users - UX (user experience) for people searching through their mobile device As previously mentioned, there are particular issues that each update seeks to address directly. One of the Named Algorithm Updates is the Core Web Vitals Update which came out back in June. Core Web Vitals Update In a nutshell, these updates are the beginnings of UX metrics that are measurable. This is in relation to the overall ranking of a website. There are no metrics that are set in stone just yet; at present, the set is interactivity, loading, and virtual stability. Broad Core Update As the name suggests, Google makes rather broad, unspecified little adjustments to the importance, weight, and order of signals as well as factors that determine rankings. One such update was released in two parts during June and July. It's all part of keeping their position as an industry leader and an authority in searching the web. They gained this position as the world's leading search engine through having incredibly accurate search results. That's why a regular algorithm update is done, to serve users best and ensure that the results they produce are fully accurate. It should be noted that, for the most part, most algorithm shifts aren't even obvious. Sometimes, however, they can have a considerable impact and require a public announcement from Google. Conclusion Google has been making a lot of changes to its algorithm as of late, divided into the categories of Broad Core Updates and Named Algorithm Updates. One of the most notable Named Algorithm Updates was the Core Web Vitals one, which introduced measurable UX metrics. Named Algorithm Updates are always after specific algorithm areas; Broad Core Updates, on the other hand, has a more general scope and looks into a website's every aspect. In need of a marketing company in Owensboro that can help you out? Oddball Creative is here for you! We are a full-service design and advertising agency. Contact us today to get started!
By Oddball Creative 20 Jul, 2021
Ranking websites has become more challenging than ever before. Years ago, you could just pick an exact match domain (EMD) name, and you could raise your hopes in having high website validity and ranking power. However, the times changed, and Google realized that a good domain name would no longer cut it. Today’s search engine algorithms are more thorough than ever, and you need to meet many different criteria to rank well on results pages. So, if you’re wondering if your domain can affect your SEO ranking, the short answer to that question is a resounding yes. Digital marketing now provides emphasis on picking the right domain name. A good marketing strategy pays attention to choosing an uncomplicated domain that perfectly represents the company branding. Moreover, companies should also be attentive to their top-level domain (TLD). Businesses and organizations are usually advised to have a .com domain because most customers think that is how a website address should end. In short, customers will find your website much more easily if it ends in .com. Do you want to learn more? Let’s dig a little deeper. What Is the Relationship of Domain Names with PPC Ads? Domain names have a high impact on PPC. It is helpful to have a keyword in your domain, mainly if you have limited space for ads. Some people look for specific products, not companies, which is why PPC ads are an essential component of your digital marketing strategy. You should also know that local SEO metrics improve when locations are included in your domain or subdomain. Should You Change Your Domain Name? No one can answer you with a straight yes or no because it depends on your brand and your website’s current reputation. For example, established companies and websites do not necessarily need to change their domain names because customers are already familiar with their current ones. There might be a negative impact if they decide to change an already thriving domain name. If you are already a well-known company, you can just focus on delivering quality content, building referral links, and garnering good reviews or influential mentions instead of changing your domain name. However, if you are a new brand and you’ve realized that your domain name is weak, then a change will only do you good. An exact match domain does not guarantee you success and may even limit your growth potential. You have to consider other strategies that you can utilize aside from including keywords in your domain. Focus on getting the best SEO results through different marketing tactics to highlight your products or services and your company itself. Another thing to remember is to keep your URL readable and professional-looking. Digital marketing has become a significant part of every business today. You have to make sure that you do not only keep up with your competitors but that you stand out from the crowd. The Bottom Line SEO can be intimidating because numerous factors can affect its performance. For instance, your domain name is an essential component, and lots of business owners don’t know that. If you’re only starting now, you can get experts to help you catch up. You can look for companies or teams specializing in search engine optimization to help you achieve a high website ranking and widen your reach! Oddball Creative Agency is a full-service design and advertising agency that can help you with these needs. We offer excellent services in digital marketing in Owensboro , and we provide top-notch guidance throughout the process. Let’s talk—give us a call and let’s start elevating your business!
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