Who am I? Every day I discovering new details about myself and I really love them, because they show me how I change, progress and grow from day to day 💚.

Those who know me, they know that can always get a good advice, warm hug and a genuine smile from me. I am a positive realist with a spark in my eyes.

I can say that I just love my life and I appreciate it every day. I grow up through the experiences brought by my little girl, I learn from relationship through my wonderful partner and all the people who surround me in my life.

I am in love with the beauty of nature, where I run away to charge my "batteries" and She never disappoints me.

I admire the animals that coexist on our Mother Earth and show us the right way and especially because we can learn from them how to act in different situations. Sometimes life is much more simple than it seems at first glance, and our mind confuses us too often :).

Music is that part of me, without which I can not live. It's inside me and outside of me. And what good music is the whole body is telling me when I get goose bumps because of such an excitement. I appreciate also, when music of silence is playing.

Moments captured on photos makes my artistic nature awake, also by painting and creating different things. My secular knowledge, which I'm upgrading day by day, always wake up and caress Venus in me. Without these little pieces of light, my life would be unfulfilled. I started to create energy paintings which are really powerful. More you can find HERE.

I do not follow fashion trends and guidelines every day, I just listen to my intuition, which tells me what to wear or "put on my body". But it's my passion somewhere in the subconsciousness. Playing with different clothes, various colours, all kind of patterns in conjunction with the knowledge of Jyotish brings me great advantages in everyday energy support.

My hobby, since 2002, is being a DJ ... DJane actually :) - I love to play electronic music. The feeling which takes over me when I see shiny, happy, smiley, and especially the popping audience, is indescribable. This feeling satisfies me and inspires me.

I was also called to acquire the knowledge of artistic nature vedic astrology -  Jyotish, to help those in need and especially who need extra light in their life. Jyotish is not just a tool. This is an esteemed ancient knowledge of Vedic masters and when you begin to live it, then you know that light is present every day in life. If you want me to bring a piece of it to your life, let me know.

One of preventive technique used by Jyotish is also essential oils. They were introduced to me and I immediately knew that this is what it will become part of my life. I use them every day because the scents are wonderful, not to mention the tastes and effects that essential oils offer. Nature is really wonderful and She offers us great treasure.

With the Angel Intuition course, I also upgraded my knowledge about the female principle - intuition, which awakened the tools for working with her. Intuition is a powerful tool that is crucial to our existence and is one of the skills for which I am extremely grateful that came into my life. 

And last but not least, learning is my mission. Learning how to balance life in the world of duality that I live *here and now*.

Namaste 🔮💚
"There is no happiness that makes you grateful, but gratefulness is one that makes you happy." 
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