Case history

Extensive legal case studies in New York
Over the years, Barns & Noble have built up an extensive range of case histories that have resulted in positive outcomes. Contact us for a free case evaluation in New York. 
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Colorful range of case histories

With over 20 years of experience in the industry, the experts at Barns & Noble have worked on an extensive range of case studies across New York. We are entirely invested in your case and are here to represent you and achieve your goals. Our experts have worked on a range of situations, and we guarantee we can help you with yours. You can explore some examples in our case history below. 

Unfair dismissal case in Queens  

We worked with a fired employee in Queens, who was dismissed unfairly from her position. Our team of qualified professionals used their skills and expertise to resolve the case in our client’s interest. Using legal negotiation, we made sure they were given what they deserved. The client was also provided with a written apology from her previous employers.  
Meet our team

Child custody case in New York 

At Barns & Nobles, we appreciate how delicate and personal divorce cases can be. This client was fighting for the custody of her children, which is something we take very seriously. Our expert attorneys were there to support the client every step of the way. Through our efforts, custody was eventually granted. We were thrilled to keep a family together. 
Our practice areas
Asset 10
To find out more about how we can help you in your legal situation, get in touch with us today. 
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