Buckeye, Arizona 85396

Come to us or we can come to you.

*Mileage and travel  expenses may apply.


Partile List of Possible Benefits

  • Liver Detoxification
  • Purge Heavy Metals
  • Increase Energy & reduce Stress
  • Internal Cleansing With Full Body Purge
  • Improved Sexual Health
  • Significant Pain Relief
  • Improved Memory and Sleep
  • Liver, kidney, and Parasite Cleanse
  • Skin Problems Such As Wrinkles
  • Enhance Immune System
  • Arthritis
  • Menstrual Pain
  • PMS
  • Headaches and Migraines


Got a question? We’re here to help.

  • What diseases or conditions can I heal with the GenCel Ion Cell Cleanse?

    It does not heal or cure any disease or condition. If a client's problem is caused by toxic buildup that symptoms may be alleviated by detoxification. The cleanse can assist the body to release these toxins. 

    Frequent detoxifications can give people a greater sense of well being and can help them to feel better especially when used in conjunction with a detoxifying diet.

  • Is it wise to use the Gen Cel Ion Generator every day?

    It is recommended to complete treatments once or twice weekly. For thise suffering from illnesses the treatment should be less frequent. This because for those who are unwell their bodies go into healing mode after a treatment, during which they might feel tired or lethargic. Historically most people feel lethargic afterwards and feel the benefits over the following days. Sometime is required for the body to recover and a follow-up session should not be given for a few days or until they feel fully recovered. 

  • How long should a treatment last?

    In an adult body it takes approximately 20 minutes for the blood to make on complete cycle. Therefore to stay o the machine less than 20 minutes would not be harmful but would not be particulary beneficial either. The cycle is considerably less for children and the treatment times should be adjusted accordingly. 

    Adults should have the full 30 minutes and children should have 15. 

  • Have you proof of what the detox cures?

    The machine does not cure anything. It is simply a machine which can assist your body to rebalance its bioenergetic fieds. This stimulates self-detoxification. When the electro-magnetic fields are balanced, the body's organs will naturally function better. 

  • How long can the effects last?

    Results depend upon your lifestyle. we recommend an initial course of 5-7 treatments (once or twice a week) - no more than twice a week - then a top up session once a month or once every 3 months.

  • Can women use the Ion Gen Cel Generator during menstruation?

    Yes, this is perfectly fine.

  • Can I use the Ion Gen Cel Generator after surgery?

    You can use the machine post-surgery as long as you are recovered and should wait at least six weeks.

    Always speak to your healthcare provider if you have any questions.

couple hugging in the woods

Disclaimer - Individuals who cannot have the treatment

The Gen Cel Genertaor is safe for most people, however the following cannot have the detoc treatment:

  • People with a pacemaker.
  • Women who are pregnant or lactating.
  • People with implanted organs.
  • People with epilepsy.
  • People with open wounds on their feet.
  • Children under the age of 5.

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