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Your Ultimate Guide to Preparing for Your Cosmetic Dentistry Procedure

Jan 26, 2022

If you’ve decided that now is the time to transform your smile through cosmetic dentistry, you may have questions about the procedure. After all, it’s a complex process, and being prepared is the best way to ensure that your visit goes as smoothly as possible. 

Whether you’re coming in for veneers or aesthetic fillings, here are some of the best ways to prepare for your cosmetic procedure. 

Schedule an Initial Consultation

Before you can undergo a procedure with us, you’ll want to schedule an initial consultation. During this time, we will perform a dental examination to make sure that your teeth are healthy enough for us to perform a procedure safely and effectively. 

If you’re getting veneers, this includes checking the enamel on your teeth. If you’re coming in for fillings, we need to check to ensure that you don’t have any deep cavities that may require more extensive treatment. If, for one reason or another, we find that you need other dental work done before you can schedule an appointment for cosmetic work, we’ll work with you to make a plan. 

Keep Track of Any Questions

You may miss out on asking critical questions during your initial consultation. It’s vital to jot down any questions that have between then and your procedure so that we can answer them before we get started. 

Understand What Your Insurance is Covering

While we are happy to perform your cosmetic dentistry procedure, we don’t want to. As a courtesy, we will help make sure you know how much of your procedure your insurance company is covering before you come in for your appointment.

Keep Up with Your At-Home Dental Routine

After your initial consultation, we’ll have a good idea about your dental health. This information is vital in our decision to proceed with your dental procedure, and you’ll want to do everything you can to keep your teeth healthy before your appointment. If you don’t keep up with your regular at-home routine, you could see a change in the integrity of your teeth.

If this happens, it could interfere with the procedure, making it unsafe or leading to less than desirable results. Our goal is to give you a smile that you can be proud of, and taking the necessary measures to make sure your teeth are in prime condition will help us deliver just that. 

Visit Us at Oak Hills Dentistry for Your Next Cosmetic Dentistry

If you’re looking to make your smile shine like new,
give us a call at Oak Hills Dentistry in Layton, Utah. Our doctors are experts in cosmetic dentistry, ensuring that every procedure is as pleasant as possible from start to finish. Whether you need a few fillings or you’ve decided to schedule that initial consultation for veneers, we’re here for all your dental health needs. 

By Ty Flint 19 Jan, 2022
As you may already know, your child should visit the dentist for the first time after their first tooth emerges. This seems simple enough, but what about after that? A common question we get from patients is how often they should bring their child in for a checkup. Though every child is different, the general rule is that you should plan for a visit every six months. However, the frequency of your visits will largely depend on your child’s dental health. Why Your Child Should Visit the Dentist Every Six Months Making a dental appointment every six months allows us to perform routine care such as exams, cleanings, fluoride treatment, and x-rays. These procedures are the best way to prevent and catch things like cavities, tooth decay, and gum diseases; the sooner we can catch it, the easier it will be to treat. Additionally, smaller things are less costly to treat. Waiting for too long can result in more costly treatment. It’s important to note that just because a dental visit goes smoothly and we don’t find any issues, it doesn’t mean you should skip your next visit. A lot can happen within the span of a few months, and if a problem arises and goes unchecked, your child could be in for a lengthier visit next time around. These regular visits also allow us to determine if your child’s brushing habits are effective. We look at how hard or how soft they may be brushing if they’re flossing and if they may need additional steps in their routine to keep their teeth as healthy as possible. What If Your Child Has Dental Hygiene Issues? If you find that your child is suffering from things like cavities, inflammation, or tooth decay, we urge you to bring them in more frequently. Your child should visit the dentist once every three months or so in these circumstances. This way, we can keep their issues in check and implement an effective routine to treat their dental hygiene issues. It’s best to address these problems early on so that your child can enjoy good oral health when they’re older and not have to worry about things like gingivitis or tooth extractions. The best way to enact preventative measures at home is to monitor what your kids are eating, as well as make sure that they’re brushing their teeth and flossing every day. Many underestimate the importance of flossing, but cavities that form in between the teeth are much harder to handle and can be harder to detect. Bring Your Child into Oak Hills Dentistry for the Best in Kids Dental Care While your child should visit the dentist frequently, choosing the right dentist is equally as important. Our doctors at Oak Hills Dentistry in Layton, Utah, are passionate about ensuring that your child gets the best dental care so that they can enjoy excellent oral health well into their later years. We take every measure possible to provide your child with a positive experience so that they’re more prone to visit the dentist regularly as they get older. If you want only the best dental care for your child, book an appointment with us today!
By Ty Flint 12 Jan, 2022
Your smile is something that you should always invest in, whether that means getting regular whitening or dental veneers . Veneers can seem like a daunting option for dental cosmetics, but we feel that helping our patients understand how they’re applied, and how they can help rejuvenate your smile will assist them in seeing just how useful they are. What are Dental Veneers? Veneers are thin, custom-made shells that adhere to the front of your teeth to make them look like the correct shape and proportions, appear whiter, and look more symmetrical. With proper bonding protocols veneers can last a very long time. The most common veneers are ceramic or composite. These materials are tinted and layered to match the natural teeth nearby, making them undetectable. With high quality labs and materials we are able to produce veneers that offer the same translucency as your real teeth, making your veneers appear more natural and lifelike. We recommend veneers for patients who want an enhanced smile but need something more permanent and effective than teeth whitening. Another benefit to dental veneers is that they can cover up any imperfections on your teeth, such as cracks, chips, and gaps, resulting in a more confident smile. How Are Dental Veneers Applied? If you’re considering veneers, it may put your mind more at ease if we explain the process. We will always start with a consultation to evaluate your smile and determine the best approach to your dental cosmetic needs. If we notice that you need any fillings or other work, we may recommend that you schedule those visits first. If you’re ready to start the process, the next step involves making any needed adjustments to the front and biting surfaces of your teeth. After these alterations are made,, we will take an impression of your smile and create a temporary set of veneers that will serve as a prototype of your future veneers. These temporary veneers will allow you to decide if you want to make any changes to your new ones. You can eat and chew normally with these. Once the real veneers are done being fabricated, we will be able to put in your permanent veneers using tried and true methods with incredible materials that will help your veneers last as long as possible. How to Care for Your Dental Veneers Veneers can crack, chip, and face discoloration like your natural teeth if you don’t care for them properly. It’s essential to treat your veneers like you would your natural teeth. This means brushing them daily, flossing, not chewing on anything that’s too hard, and wearing a mouth guard if you’re prone to grinding your teeth while you sleep. The more careful you are with them, the longer they will last. Get Your Cosmetic Dental Work Done at Oak Hills Dentistry Dental veneers are a serious cosmetic procedure that qualified cosmetic dentists should perform like the ones here at Oak Hills Dentistry in Layton, Utah. Our doctors offer extensive evaluations for your teeth, allowing us to provide individualized solutions to give you a smile that you can show off confidently. Give us a call today to schedule an appointment and get one step close to your perfect smile!
What to Expect When Going in For a Filling
By Ty Flint 05 Jan, 2022
There’s nothing worse than going to the dentist for a routine checkup only to be told you’ll need a filling or two because you have cavities. While it’s not an ideal situation to be in, fillings are generally nothing to be worried about. If you’ve never had one done before, we’ll guide you through the entire process regarding what to know and expect before, during, and after the procedure. What to Expect During a Tooth Filling Before we do anything to your teeth, we’ll start by taking x-rays of your mouth to confirm the cavities’ location. Once we’ve located them, we’ll generally inspect them to figure out the cavity’s severity level and what approach we will need to take to get them taken care of. Some cavities take longer than others to fill because they are large, while others can be taken care of much quicker because they are smaller. After this, we’ll numb the area around the affected tooth with an anesthetic, usually a shot or numbing paste, so that you don’t feel any pain or discomfort during the process. We’ll wait for the anesthetic to kick in before we remove the decayed portion of the tooth with a drill. Afterward, we will sterilize the area and prepare it for filling. If the cavity ends up being deep and close to the root, we’ll insert a liner or resin to protect the nerve and alleviate tooth sensitivity. The Different Types of Filling Options Before we fill any cavities, you’ll choose between our two options: white composite fillings or tooth-colored fillings. Our white composite fillings match the natural color of your teeth, making it hard to tell that you had any cavities to begin with. These fillings can chemically bond to teeth, allowing for a better seal than silver amalgam fillings, which is the type of filling. We usually do not place amalgam fillings in our office. Aftercare Tips After a Filling The beauty of composite fillings is not just in their looks. After receiving fillings, they are ready to use immediately. However, the local anesthetic used may still keep you numb for a few hours. We recommend soft foods and smoothies until feeling has returned to your teeth. Schedule a Filling with Oak Hills Dentistry If you need to get dental work done, give us a call at Oak Hills Dentistry. We offer the best filling services because of using modern materials and bonding procedures in Layton, Utah, and will always make sure to provide you with the best possible dental experience and care. Schedule your appointment today!
By Ty Flint 29 Dec, 2021
It’s essential for children to visit the dentist regularly to maintain good oral hygiene, but when do you start taking your child to the dentist? This is a common question we get from parents who may not know what the appropriate age is for their child to begin receiving dental care, and one that we can confidently answer for you. How Old Should My Child Be for Their First Dental Visit We recommend that your child make their first visit when their first tooth erupts. If you need to wait, we highly encourage you to make that first visit within six months of the eruption. This is so that we may evaluate your child’s mouth, their skeletal and jaw growth, and so that we can give you the proper care instructions when it comes to their oral health. During this visit, we can also give you vital information regarding: Teething Mouth cleaning Pacifier habits Infant feeding practices Finger-sucking habits Baby bottle tooth decay We will also discuss things with you like your child’s first cleaning at the age of two and their first x-rays, which should be taken when they reach the age of four. Oral care can be more sensitive and at times complex when it comes to babies and toddlers, but we’re here to help and inform you and your child every step of the way. How to Prepare for the First Visit It’s best to schedule an early morning appointment so that you and your child can focus on the first visit as the day’s first task. We find it helpful to explain to your child why it’s essential to visit the dentist and instill a sense of calm in them so that they don’t grow up with a fear of dental visits. This will help them be better prepared for further visits and even increase the likelihood of consistent visits as they get older. Taking your child to the dentist also requires preparation on your end. You should prepare questions and concerns to discuss with us and be prepared to show your child’s complete health history. For restoration visits (cavity fillings), make sure to inform us about any behavioral concerns regarding your child, e.g., stubbornness or anxiety. Remember, your child can pick up on your anxieties, making them wary and even nervous when it comes to dental visits. It’s crucial for you to remain calm and be open and honest with your children about your view of dental care; this will create trust between your child and us to better treat them. What You Can Expect from our Process at Oak Hills Dentistry Thirty-three percent of the patients we treat at Oak Hills Dentistry are children, so we’ve refined our abilities to provide positive experiences to kids and help them grow up without fear of the dentist. Located in Layton, Utah, our patient, friendly, and expert doctors can help you establish an efficient dental routine for your child so that they can enjoy a long life of excellent oral health. Taking your child to the dentist doesn’t have to be complicated. Call, text, or email us today for more information about your child’s first visit.
By Ty Flint 22 Dec, 2021
Your smile should be something that you’re proud to show off, and cosmetic dentistry is one way to make you more confident about it. It takes more than teeth whitening strips to really vamp up your smile, especially if you’re dealing with chips, cracks, and gaps. In this blog, we’re going to go over the significant ways that you can benefit from dentistry cosmetics and how they can help you discover a newfound sense of confidence when it comes to your oral health . 1.Cosmetic Dentistry Can Cause a Boost in Self Confidence We’ve all been in a situation where maybe we’re too embarrassed to smile in a picture or when speaking to someone because of our teeth. Perhaps you’re experiencing discoloration, or you don’t have the straightest teeth. We know how detrimental these things can be to your confidence, which is why we’re committed to providing you with the best cosmetic options like veneers to breathe new life into your smile and spark a renewed sense of confidence. 2.Mitigate Dental Damage Cosmetic dentistry is also a way to prevent dental damage, leading to more excruciating and expensive work down the line. For example, a shifted tooth is more susceptible to tooth decay, but Invisalign orthodontics can move it to the correct place, therefore preventing the possibility of tooth decay. We don’t need to tell you how painful a rotted tooth can be, and it’s best to take the necessary precautions to avoid these situations. 3.Promote Better Overall Health It’s no secret that your oral health affects the rest of your body, making it imperative to practice good dental hygiene practices. Sometimes, you’re faced with situations you can’t control, such as crowding teeth. This issue makes it hard to floss and brush properly. Periodontal disease has also been linked to alzheimers, dementia, hypertension, diabetes, and can ultimately lead to more severe problems. Periodontal therapy and Cosmetic work can correct this issue, improving your overall health. 4.Improve Your Nutritional Intake Things like missing teeth can make it challenging to eat certain foods, leading to missing out on essential nutrients. Cosmetic work like getting veneers or implants will allow you to eat the things you may not have been able to in the past, therefore improving your nutritional intake. 5.Enjoy an Improved Appearance First impressions go a long way, and by getting cosmetic dental work done, you’re not only improving your self-confidence, but you’re allowing people to see you in a new way, potentially leading to new opportunities. Of course, it’s not all about looks, but we believe that a good smile can go a long way in leaving a great impression on others. Reap the Benefits of Cosmetic Dentistry with Oak Hills Dentistry If you’re ready to change your oral health for the better, visit us at Oak Hills Dentistry in Layton, Utah. Our dedicated professionals will go over the best cosmetic dentistry options for you and deliver the best dentistry experience possible. Schedule an appointment today to get started!
By Ty Flint 15 Dec, 2021
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By Ty Flint 07 Dec, 2021
Veneers don’t require serious maintenance to stay bright. But while certain mouthwashes can cause minor issues for veneers, proper care is simple. The most common concern about veneers is their vulnerability to staining. You have little reason to worry, as porcelain veneers, composite veneers, and the bonding material are created with durability and colorfastness. Instead, here are some tips for keeping a long-lasting smile. Mouthwash and Veneers Mouthwash is an invaluable part of oral health. Since bacteria is able to find its way into every nook and cranny of your teeth and gums, eradicating them with mouthwash can prevent problems such as gingivitis. But can some kinds of mouthwash stain veneers permanently, especially if used incorrectly? In general, no. The way mouthwash interacts with the environment of your mouth can cause detrimental effects, however. With proper daily care and the avoidance of food and drinks that have great staining power (such as coffee and tobacco), your veneers can last for years without replacement. 1. Avoid Rinsing Often With Alcohol-Based Mouthwash Over-the-counter mouthwashes feature up to 20% alcohol. A few brands contain even higher concentrations; these should be avoided. These types of mouthwash stain veneers through the combination of high alcohol concentrations and the dye included in their formulas. Use mouthwashes that are alcohol-free, especially sodium-fluoride mouthwash . In truth, only heavy mouthwash use would make this apparent, as the “staining” would come from weakening. This applies to both porcelain and composite veneers as alcohol can soften the bond between the veneer and the natural tooth. Toothpaste and other dental care products with alcohol can also cause damage, so be sure to read the label before you purchase or try something new. 2. Discoloration Shows That the Mouthwash Is Working When mouthwash contains certain dyes, it may appear that your teeth have changed color immediately after swishing. This can happen with mouthwashes of all types. The reason this happens is due to the dye in the mouthwash attaching to the bacteria and plaque. These particles and any discoloration should disappear with regular eating and drinking throughout the day. Additionally, rinsing with water before swishing with mouthwash can help reduce this effect. 3. When In Doubt, Ask Us for More Information At Oak Hills Dentistry, the veneers we apply are made of state-of-the-art materials made to resist discoloration from plaque, acidity, and general wear. When you come in for your appointment, we will give you all the information you need to care for your redesigned smile. If you have any concerns if certain types of mouthwash stain veneers, fillings, or crowns, feel free to ask. We’ve seen just about every form of punishment a veneer can take as well as how to avoid them. Contact Oak Hills Dentistry in Layton, Utah, for Dental Care Excellence Serving Layton, Clearfield, Ogden, and the surrounding communities, our team of dental professionals is here to help improve your oral health. We treat patients of all ages, and we love to see our patients happy and healthy. Make an appointment for a regular check-up, fillings and crown, pediatric care, and more. Ask us about the wonderful cosmetic dentistry options available to you today.
By Ty Flint 24 Nov, 2021
There are a few differences from typical oral hygiene habits to care for your dental veneers the right way. Fortunately, these differences are minor, especially as you grow more accustomed to the look and feel of your veneers in the weeks after the procedure. In order to help your veneers last as long as possible, however, it is well worth the extra effort to follow some specific steps to keep them shiny and bright. You may notice that some of these “tips” are misunderstood by many. Veneers may have a simple purpose, but the modern materials used to craft and bond them have made them an invaluable addition to cosmetic dentistry. Are Veneers Stronger Than Natural Enamel? The purpose of veneers is to shape or reform a tooth that has received a form of damage or otherwise affects the aesthetics of your smile. Veneers are no replacement for a healthy and natural set of teeth, as modern veneers are not meant to last longer than a decade or so. Veneers are made of either porcelain or composite materials. Composites are generally the more affordable option for those looking for cosmetic dentistry, while porcelain veneers are more expensive but last longer, keeping a better and whiter polish with proper daily care. Veneers are durable but thin shells bonded to existing natural teeth. Foods like apples, carrots, and some nuts can crack veneers, so care for your dental veneers by choosing foods that will help them last longer. Should I Floss Carefully Around My Veneers? It’s an unfortunate fact that the quality of bonding material varies from dentist to dentist. It is fortunate for our patients that we use the highest-grade bonding products to prevent the possibility of veneers detaching accidentally. In general, flossing around your veneers won’t be much different from your regular flossing regimen. The average lifetime of a veneer is seven to fifteen years depending on their daily care. If flossing does somehow cause a veneer to come loose, let us know and we begin the process of replacing it. What to Look for In a Toothpaste Brand To keep your veneers polished and strong, choosing the right kind of toothpaste is very important. Typical store-bought toothpaste brands are usually harmless and will get the job done. However, there is one type of toothpaste that you will want to avoid. Toothpaste brands with abrasives added to their formulation can cause a lot of harm. This includes charcoal toothpaste. Abrasives will cause both porcelain and composite veneers to suffer scratches that can allow for staining. Instead, choose one with gentle cleaning; sensitivity toothpaste is a good option , as veneers have been known to cause sensitivity. Contact Oak Hills Dentistry In Layton, Utah, for World-Class Veneers Veneers are a wonderful way to restore a natural and healthy-looking smile. Taking the utmost care for your dental veneers will let you enjoy them for many years to come. Give Oak Hills Dentistry a call and we can discuss your cosmetic dentistry options with you!
By Ty Flint 17 Nov, 2021
Sleep apnea is a very detrimental condition that can easily disrupt your energy levels, your ability to sleep, and even cause harm to your heart. Sleep apnea may not seem like a condition a dentist might treat. In fact, it’s estimated that 80% of those that suffer from sleep apnea don’t even realize they have it . So what are the signs of sleep apnea? What are the ways Oak Hill Dentistry can help to provide a better night’s sleep and better overall health? The Symptoms of Sleep Apnea Sleep apnea appears to be a simple condition: the body has trouble taking in the proper amount of air during sleep. The symptoms, unfortunately, are varied and can make life during sunlight hours very difficult. Some of these symptoms include: Waking up with a painful headache Difficulty staying awake during the day, no matter how much time is spent sleeping Difficulty falling asleep at night due to repeatedly waking up High blood pressure Dry mouth There are three main types of sleep apnea : obstructive sleep apnea, central sleep apnea, and mixed apnea. Central sleep apnea is less common, caused by the brain failing to send signals to the muscles to inhale during sleep. The most common is obstructive sleep apnea. When the muscles that support the back of the throat relax, the airway closes and blocks breathing. The brain realizes that breathing has stopped, causing gasping, choking, and loud snoring. This pattern can repeat as often as thirty times in an hour in severe cases. Mixed sleep apnea is a combination of the two and may require a combination of treatments. Is Sleep Apnea Dangerous? The dangers of sleep apnea go above and beyond snoring. As scary as the idea of failing to breathe more than thirty times in an hour may sound, sleep apnea can lead to many life-threatening conditions. Some of these include stroke, heart attacks, increased obesity from lowered metabolism, and an increased chance of cognitive impairment later in life. How Is Sleep Apnea Treated? Chances are good that you have heard about CPAP machines that force air into the lungs to aid in nighttime breathing. Some of our patients have admitted to feeling uncomfortable with the masks and hoses. Fortunately, we offer an alternative that may feel more natural. After taking a mold of your teeth, we can create a custom oral appliance that you wear like an athletic mouthguard while you sleep. This appliance pushes the lower jaw forward far enough that the tongue and the rear of the airway are raised and naturally kept open. It takes little time to get used to the feeling of wearing it, and while you may experience a bit of jaw discomfort in those first mornings, this will fade. Compared to the costs of CPAP machines and replacement supplies, an oral appliance is a much cheaper option. Visit Oak Hills Dentistry in Logan, Utah for Sleep Apnea Relief Don’t suffer from constant morning headaches and drowsiness when you have access to affordable sleep apnea treatments. Give our office a call and schedule a consultation to find out if an oral appliance is a good solution. Not only will your sleep improve, but your partner will also appreciate the decrease in snoring and worry!
By Ty Flint 10 Nov, 2021
Do you feel uncomfortable with your current smile? There is no need to live with imperfect teeth. What is cosmetic dentistry and how can it help you? As the name implies, cosmetic dental work is anything that improves the appearance of teeth and gums. Generally, cosmetic work is not performed out of necessity for continued dental health. This does not mean it does nothing for a patient’s wellness, however. As proven by recent studies , a brighter and more perfect smile is great for self-esteem, personal comfort, and even overall quality of life. Examples of Cosmetic Dental Improvements Modern advancements in dental technology have made it possible to improve the look and feel of almost all types of mouths and teeth. Even though cosmetic dentistry is largely optional and superficial, dentists do not recommend getting cosmetic work done without first focusing on problems like cavities, fillings, and more serious procedures. In addition, other health issues such as diabetes and heart disease can limit the types of work that can be done. Once our dentists determine that you are ready for cosmetic dental work, take advantage of our experience; we can make your smile stand out in a crowd! Below are a few of the most common cosmetic procedures you can select to improve your smile’s appearance. Veneers Even though some teeth can be completely clean and healthy, they may still be crooked, cracked, or misaligned from the others. Veneers are often the preferred method for correcting any visual imperfections. Veneers are tough ceramic caps that your dentist applies to the front of the tooth. When molded and fit to perfection, the veneer will feel as comfortable as a natural tooth, ready to stand up to the pressures applied to the rest of your teeth. Teeth Whitening Noticeable stains on your teeth can cause anyone some shame, even if regular brushing and flossing have been part of your daily regimen for years. Such stains can be caused by the regular consumption of coffee, certain foods, tobacco use, and even medications. With the careful application of a bleaching agent, we can make your teeth sparkle again within a few visits to the office. We urge caution when using over-the-counter teeth whitening kits, as the results may be less than optimal. The best results come from a trained dental professional. Does Insurance Cover Cosmetic Dentistry? One very important question we often get involves the use of insurance to pay for cosmetics. As most cosmetics are optional, many insurance companies will refuse to cover the cost of the work done. There are some cosmetic services that come naturally with certain treatments, such as crowns for damaged teeth and bridges for broken teeth or between noticeable gaps. It can be difficult to interpret what your dental plan does and doesn’t cover. Always ask your insurance provider about specific procedures before you give up! Make an Appointment Today With Oak Hills Dentistry in Layton, Utah The dental team at Oak Hills Dentistry is committed to giving our patients healthier and more beautiful smiles! If you are interested in teeth whitening, veneers, or other dental cosmetic work, feel free to contact us for more information on pricing options.
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