Board Performance Reviews

Board Performance Reviews

You put time and effort into your external board evaluation, so you want it to be effective and fit for the future.

Our approach to board evaluation is to recognise that there’s no point looking back over what you’ve done, when it’s how well you’re going to do in future that really matters.

This requires recognising that the board isn’t just governed by the formal roles, processes and strategies in place, but is also a social entity whose decisions are as much influenced by the informal culture, values and beliefs at play. In response, our board evaluation methodology involves looking at all of the following six elements of good corporate governance:


    The culture of the organisation and board drives the behaviours that determine how things get done. So, what is the culture and what do you need it to be? If the business needs to become more agile, innovative or productive, what are the behaviours needed to create those behaviours and how can the board drive and communicate the need for this?


    Are the right people doing the right roles and does everyone have a clear and shared understanding of roles? Where there are issues of particular concern, should the board be appointing someone to take control of the issue? Is the right, temporary and permanent, succession planning in place? Does the board have the right skills for the future?


    Is the need for more agile working and responsive decision-making being balanced against the need to ensure appropriate oversight and organisational processes? How well is risk being managed? Are the processes around information gathering and communication and the tempo of decision-making working effectively?


    Is the board focusing on the right things in the right way and forward-thinking enough? Is the thinking being stretched enough and what measures are in place to come up with immediate, medium and long-term strategies when there is uncertainty and ambiguity? Are emotions and concerns being incorporated to allow for ‘feel-think-act-review’ cycles?


    Decisions are almost certainly being based on underlying assumptions and beliefs, so what are those spoken, or unspoken beliefs and how are they influencing the board? What beliefs need to be challenged and how can beliefs be shared to allow for different perspectives and advocate new courses of action?


    A boardroom that anchors people to shared values will allow people to safely voice concerns, reduce conflict and speed up decision-making. So what values are being used to define how the board goes about making decisions? How are directors using shared values, instead of defending individual view points, to operate as a unitary board?

“The real value of a board evaluation is the way it allows boards to take a step back to think about how they do things.”

- James Bagge


We focus on how the board works not the substantive issues; our professional expertise combines behavioural, governance and business led approaches.

We design each board performance review to meet the specific needs of the board:

We act on the Board’s behalf, facilitating a review for the Board to decide what actions, if any to take to improve its effectiveness.

The way we work is engaging for the Board and facilitates trust, honesty and substantive dialogue about the value that could be gained from making specific improvements. 

We collate objective information to enable the Board to consider if, given its forward-looking strategy, there are changes in how the Board works which will facilitate greater effectiveness.

We bring considerable expertise in the fields of board behaviour and dynamics, commercial board effectiveness and corporate governance. 

This approach supports the Board to improve director and stakeholder confidence and promotes, where required, improved board effectiveness.

Our work is guided by a code of practice published by the Board Effectiveness Guild of which we are a member.

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By looking at each of these areas, we can provide you with deep, yet actionable, insights that catalyse open debate into the best ways to increase the effectiveness of your board and its ability to cope with future challenges.

If you would like to know more about our approach to board services:

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