NIST 800-171

Protect Your Organization from Cyber Threats & Learn How to Stay Compliant with

NIST 800-171 & Become CMMC Level 3 Ready

Black Bottle IT is the Team You Need in Your Corner to help you Maintain Your DoD Contracts 

You are Seconds Away from A FREE NIST 800-171 Assessment

I am interested in a NIST 800-171 Assessment

Steps to Achieve NIST 800-171 Compliance

Chose to Partner with Black Bottle IT 

We will Take the Steps Your Organization Needs to Become NIST 800-171/CMMC Level 3 Prepared

Conduct Gap Analysis

Create Documentation

Upload Compliance Score


Top 6 “Weaknesses” Manufacturers Face

Lack Policies & Procedures

Documentation of all computer system and physical controls is required. 

Lack an Incident Response Plan

In the event of an incident, having a documented plan on the who, what, where and when is key to addresses the situation timely and potentially limiting the exposure of a breach.

Lack Vulnerability Scans 

Scanning systems is advised to ensure security from all known vulnerabilities.

Lack Security Monitoring Tools

In the event, your network breached, having intrusion detection/response will alert key personnel and potentially stop the attack.

Lack a Data Backup Strategy

 Best practice is to have an offsite backup solution.

Lack of Security Awareness Training

Human error is the greatest attack vector, regular employee training introduces/re-enforces good security hygiene and habits.

Our affordable solution gets you to NIST 800-171 compliance within 30 days

1. Partner With Us

2. Gap Analysis
3. All necessary documentation: SSP, POAM
4. Compliance Score (SPRS) upload
5. Remediation

*May vary depending on current technology provider’s response time

Talk with Our cybersecurity experts Today. We are trusted by manufacturers.

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