CareConnect Midwife

CareConnect Midwife

Complete and intuitive software for the independent midwife.

Midwifery and digitisation
The digitisation of healthcare is beneficial to the quality of care for mother and child. 
In a world where digitisation plays an increasingly important role, Corilus is happy to help you on your way with CareConnect Midwife. 

Mother and child care in Belgium is a changed landscape with major challenges for first-, second- and third-line care. The shortened hospital stay after a problem-free birth means a bigger role for the care provided by midwives. Continuity and quality of care with CareConnect Midwife as your partner.

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What can CareConnect Midwife do for you?

Let you access your data during home visits!

With CareConnect Midwife, you have direct access to your patient records from your tablet or smartphone and can consult case histories or record deliveries. This means the file is immediately up to date and you do not have any administration to catch up on afterwards.

Follow-up and support

Thanks to detailed tracking of the various stages of a pregnancy, you not only have a good file, but you are also supported where necessary. CareConnect Midwife flags the presence of possible risk factors, making them easy to follow up on.

In 'the cloud'

No complicated configurations or servers are needed. Your patient's details are always safe: backups are automatic and you are always working with the latest version of CareConnect Midwife without you having to do anything.

Assisted pricing

As a midwife, you only record what is needed for the mother and the baby. Using this information, CareConnect Midwife automatically keeps track of what you can charge. This allows you to carry out monthly invoicing in one go for all patients and health insurance funds. You can print out patient and health insurance fund invoices, summaries, patient fees etc.

Why choose CareConnect Midwife

Intuitive to use

  • Less administration
  • In the Cloud
  • Consultable from anywhere
  • Also on tablet and smartphone
  • Automatic backup

Complete care file

  • Administrative file
  • Case history
  • Pre-natal follow-up
  • Labour and childbirth follow-up
  • Post-natal follow-up, wound care and breastfeeding
  • Invoicing


  • Referral letter
  • Health education guidelines: Health education
  • Study Centre for Perinatal Epidemiology statistical guidance

What do your colleagues have to say about CareConnect Midwife?

Delphine Platteeuw, mifwife Torhout

CareConnect Midwife is a guideline for qualitative care

"CareConnect Midwife (formerly Emergentis) provides:

  • A pre-and post-natal overview of the most important topics required for the guidance of a mother or mother-to-be.
  • Smooth pricing.
  • Intuitive and easy-to-use software for the patient on the spot.
  • Completeness: Using on the Health Education and Training summary table, no information is forgotten.
  • Evolution: Comments and improvements for the midwife are adapted or implemented if possible."

I couldn’t do without CareConnect Midwife now

"CareConnect Midwife (formerly Emergentis) takes care of your administration: you don't have any more paperwork and things are easy to find.
More issues are brought up in the case history so that you can go through them and process them fully.
When giving guidance on health education, you can simply tick off the topics discussed. You can easily produce a pricing summary for a particular period. The program gives an impression of professionalism to the patients."
Majda Hoste, midwife and lactation professional De Tiende Maand

Are you interested in CareConnect Midwife? Do you have any questions?
We're happy to help!


Corilus NV
Gent Zuiderpoort, Atrium
Gaston Crommenlaan 4/bus 26
9050 Gent

Tel. General: +32 (0)9 325 93 93

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