CareConnect Ophthalmologist

CareConnect Ophthalmologist

Leading software for ophthalmologists

Find out which software best suits your practice. We will be happy to help you choose.

Corilus offers a complete solution for ophthalmologists: CareConnect Ophthalmologist. This is a client/server program for the total medical and administrative management of any ophthalmologist practice. A complete solution which delivers on the promise of the paperless office.
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What CareConnect Ophthalmologist offers

Complete record

Convenient and user friendly.
Can be configured by user.

Patient record, prescription module with up-to-date medication database, multimedia module, waiting room module, diary module, pricing module, letter module.

Patient follow-up

Request patient insurability
Can be connected to ophthalmic equipment, reports, IV injections.

Connecting to measuring tools

Measurement data automatically appears in the patient records through connections to the measuring instruments. 

A connection to Peridata is also provided. 

Modules that simplify the daily operations of your practice

Multimedia and letters module

An integrated letter module that includes support for letter status and document validation. 

Thanks to the multimedia module, you have simple and quick access to the patient’s consultation data and images. Images, reports and filmstrips can be compared very easily.
Diary and waiting room module

Thanks to the diary module, appointments are automatically recorded in the waiting room module. There is an extensive diary management system for multiple users. The waiting room module manages the entire course of patient processing in the various examination rooms.

Pricing module

Easily record and print out certificates for the care provided. An up-to-date nomenclature database and easy follow-up of payments and issue of automatic reminders.

What do your colleagues have to say about our software?

"The whole system is efficient and saves me a huge amount of time. 
The great thing about working with Corilus is that there is one source for both software and hardware. As a doctor, I want to concentrate fully on my patients and would rather not have to worry about computers or printers that are not functioning properly."

Dr Ann Van de Moere

Satisfied with CareConnect Ophthalmologist (formerly Optisoft) and the service provided by Corilus.
"CareConnect Ophthalmologist (formerly Optisoft) includes all functions for good practice management, such as waiting room management and a pricing module which operates completely via the software. Data can be entered extremely quickly and efficiently thanks to the right functions, including the powerful Super Macro module. Monthly updates ensure that the medication database, statutory reimbursement certificates, documents and nomenclature rates are always up to date."

Dr Goes Jr.

Corilus provides complete IT management from A to Z for our practice.
"I am a satisfied user of the waiting room module!

Thanks to this module, we have more time to really work with our patients. Because the administration is automated, we have more time available for examinations and discussing operations. A real must-have!”

Dr Blanckaert

The electronic waiting room module, a real time saver.

Are you interested in CareConnect Ophthalmologist? Do you have any questions? 
We’re happy to help!


Corilus NV
Gent Zuiderpoort, Atrium
Gaston Crommenlaan 4/bus 26
9050 Gent

Tel. General: +32 (0)9 325 93 93

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