Advance Imaging


Advance Imaging

Digital Radiography

We offer state-of-the-art digital imaging services that are a quick and cost-effective way to take a look “inside” your pet’s body. 


Ultrasounds allow us to examine your pet’s internal organs, pain-free and
without any side effects. 

CT Scan

CT scans (computed tomography) are best used to rapidly collect detailed information of your pet’s anatomy, and can provide useful 3D images for determining the cause and treatment of many conditions. 


In addition to your pet’s body, we use digital dental radiography to get an enhanced look at your pet’s teeth and gums to determine their overall oral health. 

CT (CAT) Scan

Here at Pasadena Pets Veterinary Hospital, we offer some of the best technology available, which includes The CereTom. This 8-slice small-bore CT scanner is portable and provides the highest quality, non-contrast imaging available. The combination of rapid results and extremely clear imaging makes this tool a critical part of our practice and in identifying the best possible options for treatments for our patients.


Advantage & Disadvantage

IN-HOUSE ULTRASOUND TESTING (Below is the our in-house ultrasound testing)

Gall Bladder - Normal

Kidney - Normal

Bladder Cancer - Mass

Bladder - Normal

Liver - Normal

Liver - Mass

Wall Stomach and Pancreases

Inflamed Bladder

Our Happiness is

Healthy PetsHappy Owners

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