• Mountain Summer Retreat Kasbah du Toubkal

6th Chakra


6th Chakra Intuition and Clarity

Color: Indigo Violet
Element: Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Ether
Number of Petals: 2 large petals containing each 48 small petals
Location: Between the two eyebrows (third eye chakra)
No action, no sense organ

Central Function:
Ajna chakra known as the 3rd eye regards intuition, imagination and perception. It governs energy channels of the body known as Nadi which are Ida, Pingala and Sushumna. Sushumna runs straight along the spine with Ida and Pingala crisscrossing through it at each Chakra. Ida and Pingala Nadi respectably end at the root of the right and left nostril. The ego when focused on the sixth chakra perceives the experience of polarity and dualism. Through Ajna chakra this experience creates a unified perception of the totality of reality enabling one to see beyond the obvious.
Connected To:
It is connected to the mind and paranormal qualities such as telepathy and clairvoyance while maintaining a strong connection to Manipura chakra. Manipura is “yet watching’ while Ajna is “already seeing’ a broader perspective. The pituitary gland is connected to the Ajna Chakra. This gland is in charge of all the psycho-neuro-endocrine activities and governs the functions of ovaries and prostate. The other gland this center is connected to the pineal gland, which regulates the rhythms light-dark, night-day, inside-outside of the organism. Polarity and duality translated as rhythm.
Signs of Imbalances:
1.    Mental Blocks
2.    Over analyzing
3.    Lack of Depth
4.    Poor concentration
5.    Egocentric genius
6.    Confusion/ Agitation
7.    Crooked thinking
8.    Eye, ear, nose problems
9.    Challenged nervous system
How to Balance:
1.    Yoga / Tai Chi
2.    Walking outdoors
3.    Observing with method the own thoughts
4.    Searching for mental silence
5.    Visualize color, light, signs, simple shapes, symbols
6.    Meditation at dawn or dusk
7.    Facing the sun when it is no higher than 15 degree
When the Ajna Chakra is balanced one feels strong intuition, a connection to the higher self and mentally fit. It improves sensory perception and vision of reality with calming and anesthetic effects. It creates strong and accurate memory, mastery and self-control, mental flexibility and openness. It is good for the eyes, ears, nose, and for nervous and mental disorders.
Reference source, Fonti di referenze: Aveda Chakras by Dr.Vinod and Kusum Upadhyay; Ayurvedic Physicians & Honorary Advisors to the Himalayan Institute Hospital Trust Ayurvedic Therapy Program; Gabriella Cella Marco Canzoni‘ Il libro dell’Aria e del Respiro’(Baldini, Castoldi, Dalai); Gabriella Cella Al-Chamali ‘Yoga’ (Sonzogno);  Gabriella Cella Al-Chamali ‘Respirazione Distacco Concentrazione Meditazione’ (Sonzogno);  Gabriella Cella Al-Chamali ‘Chakra’ (editore Fabbri);  Swami Satyananda Saraswati ‘Asana Pranayama Mudra Bandha’ (Yoga Pubblication Trust); Maurizio Morelli ‘Il libro dei Chakra’ (distribuito da : Fiore d’Oriente).

Chakra research compiled by Ines Johanna Stephan

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