• Mountain Summer Retreat Kasbah du Toubkal

4th Chakra


4th Chakra “Love and Realization” Anahata

Color: Green
Element: Air
Number of Petals: 12
Location: Behind Sternum between 9th - 11th Thoracic vertebrae
Action organ: Genitals
Sense organ: Skin And Touch

Central Function:
Anahata Chakra, also known as the heart chakra, is the seat of the soul that is independent of the mind and ego. It expresses our emotions and ability to empathize. The ego, when it is focused on the fourth chakra, identifies with the object of love creating a sense of unity with the whole. This chakra improves the awareness of our inner selves while stabilizing our faith in the dynamic, expansive and unifying force of love. On the physical level we find the central functions to the life of the individual. The heart distributes oxygenated blood throughout the body which is absorbed through the lungs during inspiration. Oxygen diffuses energy and life. Oxygen is comparable to the sun that releases its energy, spreads its warmth and diffuses life.
Connected To:
The 4th Chakra is connected to the circulatory and respiratory system. These two systems through breathing enable the absorption and the diffusion of Prana or otherwise known as vital energy. Inhalation and exhalation also completes the cycle that controls the balance of sending oxygen to the body while removing carbon dioxide from the body. Anahata is also connected to the rib cage and sternum, arms, shoulders, palms, and thymus.
Signs of Imbalances:
1.    Depression
2.    Loneliness
3.    Disinterest
4.    Heart problems
5.    Lung Problems
6.    Ulcers
7.    Eye Problems
8.    Headaches
9.    Anemia
How to Balance:
1.    Vegetarian diet
2.    Sing
3.    Nature
4.    Deep breathing
5.    Forgive
6.    Seek what unites
7.    Transform anger
8.    Love
A well balanced Anahata Chakra brings about feelings of love for all. It opens us to love unconditionally and to feel loved and fulfilled. This is a true link between oneself and other beings through relations resulting in happier people that are more interested in the world.
Reference source, Fonti di referenze: Aveda Chakras by Dr.Vinod and Kusum Upadhyay; Ayurvedic Physicians & Honorary Advisors to the Himalayan Institute Hospital Trust Ayurvedic Therapy Program; Gabriella Cella Marco Canzoni‘ Il libro dell’Aria e del Respiro’(Baldini, Castoldi, Dalai); Gabriella Cella Al-Chamali ‘Yoga’ (Sonzogno);  Gabriella Cella Al-Chamali ‘Respirazione Distacco Concentrazione Meditazione’ (Sonzogno);  Gabriella Cella Al-Chamali ‘Chakra’ (editore Fabbri);  Swami Satyananda Saraswati ‘Asana Pranayama Mudra Bandha’ (Yoga Pubblication Trust); Maurizio Morelli ‘Il libro dei Chakra’ (distribuito da : Fiore d’Oriente).

Chakra research compiled by Ines Johanna Stephan

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