• Mountain Summer Retreat Kasbah du Toubkal




A children's book with symbolism about life meant for the adult to be. Here a story plants seeds of truth that are to grow over the course of a lifetime. The truth may never be expressed directly since language is the limitation of it. Words merely point the way to concepts understood only from within. In this story, children learn a balance between the material and spiritual world. Our mental outlook has an affect on our body and the energy centers that run them. The Little Prince provides the basis for maintaining this balance. Only through such a balance may we feel from the heart. This is possible without engaging in any known yoga practice but through an appropriate mental outlook. The heart lies in the center of the 7 major chakra points.

The boa constrictor digesting an elephant is regarding a child's imagination and creativity which is a right brain activity. At age 6 the narrator was asked to discard such interest to focus on acceptable subjects of geography, history, arithmetic, and grammar. These are left brain activities. Society forces individuals to put aside right brain activities in the name of practicality causing this part of us to become underdeveloped. It is reasoned we are imbalanced and lacking intuitive heartfelt senses because of our left brain focused educational process. Practicing yoga is concerned with balancing right and left sides of us. This is not only mental but also physical. Martial and dance arts with dynamic wide-reaching movements are believed to impact the brain to enhance such a balance. As a teacher of yoga I always noted that every time my focus shifted to the business side of my work my morning practice and lesson suffered. But then swinging the pendulum to the other side always seems to upset the business side of what I do. The ideas are to find a balance between the two and not choose any one side over the other..

Be yourself is a cliche of the spiritual world. The masses are the sheep reinforced through the socialization process. How do we be ourselves in a world of the masses bombarding us? They bombard us with who to marry and proper career paths. These are the biggest socialized forms of ignorance. Choose a wrong spouse or career path that is not reflective of the soul's demand is disconnecting. These two make most of your day. The challenge is to look past the sheep to realize who we are and make correct life choices. Understanding fundamental truths such as we are a reincarnating spirit, passing through instead of coming from our parents, is a fundamental truth to help see past the sheep's bombarding dialogue. Social encounters are god sent containing unfulfilled needs. When we pierce the delusional veil of money, age, social standing and titles we make the appropriate choices. A person does this, according to Plato, will see beyond the shadows and lies of the culture they are in. Such a person will find themselves misunderstood and often alienated. 

Studies reveal eloquent public speakers using academic jargon repeatedly contradicting themselves to be reviewed highly by the audience. Another study discovered doctors without a white lab coat were reviewed less favorably. While the ones with white lab coats doing poorly were scoring higher. This is the nature of mass spirituality. A truth seeker must see beyond the orator and even the concepts which can be placed out of context. Otherwise just any kurta mala bead wearing person will mislead you.

Our failings in the above gave rise to evil men from Adolf Hitler to cult gurus of the modern spiritual age. A teacher of truth is not required to look any part.  Real truth seekers are not fed by masked or sugar-coated presentations. False gurus wear the best masks to soft sell spiritual cliches.
I dressed, unlike stereotypical yoga teachers. In London and Milan, private lessons were taught wearing yoga tights with a casual suit over it while carrying a laptop briefcase. In group classes I just wore tights. Upon starting to teach Marrakech hotels this dress code continued. One spa director requested that I wear long white flowing clothes. Knowing the above I did so and overnight my reviews were higher. Eventually, a yoga magazine photographed me wearing such a look. The masses required the look even though the lessons are the same.


Baobabs taking root are material matters from maintaining a business and or household. They are described as invisible so we may consider them as fallacies in thinking. Looking deeper they are also impressions in our minds created by patterns of thinking known as samskara. The mental impressions regenerate the same patterns of thinking. Eventually our minds become puppet masters of our lives.

The flower, referred to as a female, represents life's good which is fragile and transient. High divorce rates! The sheep eat flowers. Rahim Khan from the book The Kite Runner said in relation to his forbidden love of a girl said, "In the end, the world always wins. That's just the way of things." His love which was his flower was destroyed by a socialized class belief system. The members of this particular belief system are the sheep in his part of the world and time. Likewise, even in modern day metropolitan cities, we possess many belief systems that feed the sheep and lead to the destruction of the beauty in life.

Our place in this world as individuals are not merely to understand or accept this. We are to change this so future generations may possess a choice to express life as their soul demands. Let the heart lead you by never seeing age, class or money. Accept the choices of others without judging them. Individuals actions create change. If we are to reincarnate into this world would we not want to be in a better one which we left behind?

Carl Sagan said, "Think of the rivers of blood spilled by all those generals and emperors so that, in glory and triumph, they could become the momentary masters of a fraction of a dot."

Most of us never realize we are actually standing on a fraction of a dot. Many do not know that this dot is spinning and moving in circles around another dot called a sun while running another lateral circle through a larger dot called a galaxy. What we rule here is minimal and transient. Despite that, it is not an excuse for complacency. Many use this truth to live a meaningless existence that is useless to themselves and others. A ruler is a humble peoples' servant that is to create a better world for the present and future heirs of this dot.

The red-faced man saying, "I'm a serious man I'm a serious man".

"I wish I hadn't worked so hard." Bronnie Ware a nurse documented this as the biggest regrets of the dying. Alexander the Great on his deathbed said, “My final wish is to put my hands outside the coffin. Let people understand that I came to this world in empty hands and I will leave this world also in empty hands.”

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